

Day 3 White Space Challenge- Special Birthday

My 16th Birthday so many years ago will always be my most treasured Birthday!
What a lovely memory from your 16th birthday! That cake looks delicious! Love the blending of the paint & splatter behind your photo. The balloons are great to link your hexagon shape to your journal card, especially with the little heart clip on the card. Beautiful white space layout!
awww Your Sweet 16 - so sweetly scrapped for the white space challenge. I LOVE how you used the hex to frame the balloons! The paint brush overlay is perfect to matte & anchor the cluster.
It's so cool how much Sadie looks a like you from this photo (except that she is blond)! I guess it's naturally genetic line, but still amaze me!
Love the paint brush use behind your photo!
Awww.... that's just a sweet photo. You look very happy. I like how the balloons are "tied" to the journal mat with a heart and how you brought the red from the photo into your background. By the way, my page for this challenge included a photo of my granddaughter at 16 and you and she look pretty much the same. :)
Look at you! So cute. You still have that beautiful smile. It’s always fun to hold special memories on certain milestone birthdays! Great white space design.
This is beautiful! Love the bunch of balloons clipped to the journal card and the painted bits on the background.
WOW Great to see you at the age of 16. Love how you clipped the balloons to the card.
The recipe is respected.
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2021 - Birthday Party 15th
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Special Birthday.jpg
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114.7 KB
Date taken
Mon, 22 March 2021 4:25 PM
600px x 600px

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