

The Car

  • Media owner trish6150
  • Date added
Two pieces created with new products to the store and one mini palette - Calescent Free with $20 Purchase for Black Friday.

The first one "The Car" made with another super sensational set of Anna's Scenic Template No 2.
I simply selected the template and copied layers to a new 12 x 12 page. Copied my image to the main black blending mask and clipped my image via
Layer - Create Clipping Mask - (CTRL+ALT+G) and then clipped all my photos in the frame the same way.
I recoloured all the brush marks via Edit - Fill - Colour and chose a colour to match the car. I also added a few extra brush strokes as well.
I then gave it a title and added my text about the image and it was done. The scenic template selection is great and can't wait to play more.



I then created a piece with Mini Palette Calescent which will be part of the Black Friday sales as free with a $20 purchase from the store.

I selected several of the papers, overlays and brushes from the mini palette and arranged them on the page to form a big cluster.
I then selected the holly piece, one of the buttons and a scatter brush and clumped them together to nestle amongst the coloured transfers.
I gave the holly and the button a drop shadow and re-coloured the splatter to be closer to the red/brown colour in the transfer,
this is such a cool use of Scenic Template! Love the additional brush strokes adding motion to the scene!

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Anna Aspnes
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