Shopping - The New Normal
John Maclean
aA Paper, Flower, Transfer, Brushes, Scenic LTA
Photos: Cottonbro (model with fan), Pixabay (hat shop mannekin)
With time to kill in Ft. Collins, we visited Sierra Trading Post. Shopping has changed a lot. Very few people, all wearing masks as required. The dressing rooms were blocked off. Try at home, they said. I found a cashmere sweater in a color I liked and had been looking for, for years.
Not sure the photo is of John Maclean but it might be. Also not sure I'd remember his comments on femininity in his Q & A series on YouTube, but they have had an important influence on me and I simply wanted to remember his name. I've had a crop of the photo on Twitter as my avatar, and when a friend saw it she said he looked a lot like John Maclean, who I had never heard of.