

Pages 120-121 Dad's Military Album Vol. II

These two pages commemorate the day Mom & Dad met. Journaling. On Saturday, 4 July 1953, Mom and Dad met for the first time at The Grove dance hall in Guerneville, Sonoma County, California. The Grove was one of the most popular dance spots along the Russian River. It featured live music and had a caf. Mom and Dad danced the night away and when Dad asked for Moms phone number, she gave it to him. He did not call and two weeks later they met up again at The Grove where he explained he had lost her phone number.
Assets Used:

Anna Aspnes
Scenic Layered Template Album No. 1, 8 & 9 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Scenic-Layered-Template-Album-No.-1.html
PaperTextures No. 8 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/PaperTextures-No.-8-.html
Music Notes No. 2 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Music-Notes-No.-2.html
MultiMedia Flowers No. 9 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/MultiMedia-Flowers-No.-9.html

Lynne Anzele
Melodic Sounds https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Melodic-Sounds-SKU110140271.html

Various Glows & Bokah from Anna Aspens, Mix Pix Box, & Daily Texture

Background: Daily Texture
I love this.. such and exciting happy feeling page for a time , that might not have actually been that happy! Your album is going to be wonderful if this is an example of what you are putting in it....
Absolutely gorgeous, love the glows on the photos! (Could you please pm me the name of the font you are using on your avatar? I've been looking for a font like this.)
Congratulations!!! Your page has been featured in Today's Gallery Stand Outs blog]!!!
Every new set of pages of this labor of love inspires awe. Congrats on your GSO!

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Anna Aspnes
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