

Bord de mer

  • Media owner cyanne22
  • Date added
En mer, on se laisse porter par les vagues, les replis de l'eau, on se gorge de senteurs marines,
d'embruns, on gote aux clats ensoleills des flots...

(At sea, we let ourselves be carried by the waves, the folds of the water, we gorge ourselves with marine scents,
mist, we taste the sunny bursts of the waves...)

Je mes suis inspire du tuto de Barbara (technique de transfert de masque ThinStrips personnalise. )
merci Barbara ainsi qu' toutes celles qui font ces tutos et nous les proposent gnreusement.

(I am inspired by Barbara's tuto (custom ThinStrips mask transfer technique. )
thank you Barbara and all those who make these tutorials and offer them generously to us)
Tout Anna Aspnes ( AP Oasis et H2O )
Incroyable interprtation du tutoriel de Barbara! Nicole, j'adore ces mots et ton utilisation magistrale des couleurs et des formes verticales! Superbe art!
Congratulations your gorgeous layout is featured on Today's Gallery Standout Blog - today August 14th - http://gallerystandouts.com/fingerpointing/2020/finger-pointing-august-14th-7/
The use of the strips accenting your photo is just perfect. Congrats on your GSO!

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Anna Aspnes
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