
America's Disaster Movie

America's Disaster Movie

I'm angry that millions are living in a pandemic disaster movie. I'm angry that a group of protesting COVIdiots endangered the lives of law enforcement officers in my city. I'm angry that my Governor is opening up the state after only testing 1% of the population. (FYI, 1 person in 10 of the US population lives in Texas, 29 million.) I'm angry that our LT. Gov thinks the elderly/ill should be sacrificed for the economy. I'm angry that simple supplies, like swabs, aren't available to do more testing due to the incompetence of the federal government under this administration. I'm angry that this government still does NOT believe scientists. While I know my anger will be replaced with extreme sadness that so many lives were needlessly lost, I do know that my anger will return as I wait in line in November to vote.

Thanks for looking.

Used APP Cosmopolis & the free Coronavirus WordArt. Thanks, Anna, for the freebie.
I am in total agreement--and if these people come down with the virus they will be first in line to expect our medical teams to care for them!
So sad, when many of the population do not go along with these government officials that make the rules for the states. I hope we all remember, come November, those who put millions at risk for their own self-serving purpose
couldn't have put it better myself..... I think you will find that the majority of the world has ....how to put this... *F****d up leaders, I have had, in my intensely lived 61 years of life, very tangible proof that power in politics grow proportionally with corruption.... some amazing people were great and had the greatest intentions and probably even did a lot of good...but as they climb up....the "power corrupts" becomes a reality..... I grew up in between Argentina & Brazil, lived in some countries in Europe.... have seen the disaster human race does to the planet and ourselves....with this thing...... I wont go into specifics... you have it rough ( I understand is Texas USA?) so do we (have been in the UK for the past 30 something years) and I think very few countries in Europe are doing well (with their governments, I mean) Brazil's president start6ed calling the virus " a little cold" and dismissing every word scientists tried to warn him about....now he is trying to fix it, blaming others (which, if I understand well, is what your main guy is doing there too?)
It is so terribly sad....
I cam here to post a page, but couldn't not come here to say something, your page is amazing (as you always do, you may not know me, I know you a lot through the GSOs) Oh I could stay here for hours sharing some thought, but need to keep screen times down (I m not in very good health) This is great, in the saddest of ways, but great visually, plus it is a thought provoking page, I wish there was a bit more of this in general :)
Amazing page, I so understand how you feel and I think it is great you have expressed yourself in this way!
I think you are amazing expressing your anger I live in the U.K. we also have idiots running the country all of the Nursing Homes were ignored no protection for the carers or for any of them hundreds of older people have died because the government tried to hide them away your page is moving and very inspiring it say's what most of us are feeling in this sad world of ours.
I understand your frustration and your piece is effective at conveying that. But, frankly, I wish there was less propaganda, less hype, less anger, less name calling, less sensationalism, fewer generalizations and just more LOCAL factual information concerning the situation. Where I live in the US, I have plenty of reason to doubt and question my elected officials. My county finally made available a dynamic map with ages, locations of cases, test locations and lots of helpful data and facts. Honestly, with that information, I don't see why the majority of my county cannot be "open for business" with appropriate precautions, and I do not wish to have old or ill people die as I am one of them. My county is full of small businesses and this lockdown is crushing them, their families, their futures and my county. It's not that cut and dry especially when there is so much bad information, partisanship and hate out there.
Well stated, Christy! I feel the frustration, too. Glad that my state has a governor that deals with facts and truths. Amazing art!
So well documented... the world has changed... compassion and love has to prevail... I listened to my mother who lived through the 1930's depression, dust bowl and extreme poverty... her heart stayed pure... humanity

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