AnnaRelease 3 April 2020
Halloween WordART Mix No. 2
Inspiration -I was up to W on my Alpha series and I thought of combining pictures of storms and words about the upheaval we are experiencing.
Started -with Discquiet Artxy Layer Template
FotoBlendz - Added Fotoblendz 1.4 to the page
Photos - I attached a photo taken after a snow storm to both of the landscape frames on the right and added a photo of a storm sea to the pair on the left using Layer>Create Clipping Mask. Then I added a snow storm photo taken through my windshield to the Fotoblendz again using Layer>Create Clipping mask. I added another snowstorm picture and attached to a paint white layer using the same method. But I duplicated the photo and instead of using a Clipping Mask I add a Mask and on the mask brushed away parts of the photo but still more showed then was clipped on the original. I changed the Blend Mode of the original to Multiply. The Mask Layer of the Fotoblendz I changed to Lighten.
Papers -I choose Solid Paper 1 and placed beneath all the photos and the transfer layer that appears on the left edge. I turned off the visibility layers below the paper.
Elements - I choose the Lace because it could look like swirling snow
Multimedia - I choose the bonus Multimedia with the cup placing it in the corner created by the frames and titling it slightly.
Title - I used the Wood Word Big and Leather Word Scare as my title.
Journal - Talked about being used to storms and knowing we would weather this one.