

Sand Happiness

  • Media owner lkdavis
  • Date added
Anna Aspnes

ArtPlay Palette Swell ArtPlay Palette Swell
Beach WordART Mix No. 1 Beach WordART Mix No. 1
MultiMedia Frames No. 3 MultiMedia Frames No. 3
Oasis No. 2 Oasis No. 2

AnnaBlendz Artsy No. 7 AnnaBlendz Artsy No. 7
ButtonThreadz No. 2 ButtonThreadz No. 2

Process: After clipping my photo to the fotoblendz mask, I blended copies with paper 6. I extracted just my granddaughter and gave her a drop shadow, placing it just below the sand at 50%. I recolored brush 3 from Oasis No. 2 to repeat the color in the photo before placing overlay 3 from the APP on the left (recolored with a hue and saturation adjustment layer). I blended another copy of the photo with paper 6. I added the twig and tied the charm to it with png 3 from ButtonThreadz No. 2. I finished my page with another overlay, art stroke, journaling and a title. For more information on using a frame to focus the eye and a rationale for extractions, check out this post Focus the Eye with a Frame

Thanks for looking:)
Just a super page, Linda! I really love the textures in the page, in the sand as well as your awesome extraction and use of the out-of-bounds technique with the photo and frame. Excellent work. She is such a cutee, and you captured that moment beautifully with the picture and your words.

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Anna Aspnes
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