

Late Spring Snowstorm

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Late Spring Snowstorm

ArtPlay Palette Adventure Brush
ArtPlay Palette Moira ArtStroke
ArtPlay Palette Whimsy Paper
Thin Strip Masks 3
MultiMedia Flowers 3

photo: adam-muise-1606822-unsplash
SVG: Late Spring Portabella

The late snowfall snapped trees and summer-loving hearts and reached all sorts of weather milestones. It was our latest destructive snowfall in May in many years.

For the second year in a row we were glad we hadn't had time to plant the geraniums. The blue jays hadn't been coming to the feeder all Spring but they were begging for peanuts while it was still snowing.
superb this picture of this beautiful bird under the snow! beautiful color reminder in the 2 pages
Do not under any circumstances send that weather my way! Our lilacs are still trying to bloom -- yesterday a.m. there was frost on the bus stop shelter ... everything is really green, but Lord a little sunshine would do wonders! I remember watching those crazy blue jays taking whole peanuts and cracking them on a branch -- amazing birds!
What a beautiful bird, I hope the snow is now behind us and Spring can finally break through!
What crazy weather has struck many parts of the country--it is cold enough here to snow but we have not seen a flake, yet! Love your hardy blue jay braving the elements for a bite. Hope those flowers are a hardy sort, too.
How interesting that you feed them peanuts. I don't know if any birds here would eat them. We have a family of king parrots that call in 3 or 4 times a year for sunflower seed. They actually come to the door and ask or swoop down over us when we out on the patio to let us know they're back for a little while. Once the lorikeets hear about it they come for their share.
How interesting that you feed them peanuts. I don't know if any birds here would eat them. We have a family of king parrots that call in 3 or 4 times a year for sunflower seed. They actually come to the door and ask or swoop down over us when we out on the patio to let us know they're back for a little while. Once the lorikeets hear about it they come for their share.
oh this is so lovely! sorry about the late snow! it was actually snowing at a baseball game in Colorado recently, might have been the same storm. the red, yellow and blue are divine!
Bet that bluejay didn't appreciate the snow, but you took a great photo! Several friends from Colorado posted snow pics on social media today...crazy!

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Anna Aspnes
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