
Lighthouse in the rain

Lighthouse in the rain

Lighthouse in the rain
When we visit northwest Michigan, the weather can very often be inclement. From the balcony, we enjoy watching the rain fall on the Lake and the massive spread of sky turn cloudy and often times rugged.


ReRelease Classic Collection Inclement on sale 10.17 - 10.23.18 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/AnnaRelease-16-October-2015.html
ArtPlay Palette Inclement
MultiMedia Rain No. 1
LightLeaks No. 3
WoodWords No. 7

FotoInspired Template 2F_2 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/FotoInspired-Template-Pack-No.-2F.html

On a new layer, I placed FIT2F_2 file. Fotomask 1 was stretched across the page for the paper and was locked. 1 Frame and mask were moved and palette transfer 5 was clipped to the mask. Remaining frames were turned off. Palette Solid Paper 2 was clipped to the mask, along with Palette Transfer 2 overlay blend mode at 60%. Palette overlays, transfers were layered to give an inclement background, and hard edges were brushed out. LightLeak3_3 was placed, followed by my photo using an inverted mask to reveal the image. Another LightLeak3_3 was placed over the photo in the layers stack and an inverted mask applied brushing back the light and colors. Several more palette transfers and elements were sandwiched between the background and first LightLeak layer. WordArt, MMRain1_4 and palette charm complete the page.


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Anna Aspnes
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