


Mom giving me a lick of her ice cream cone.

AnnaRelease 14 March 2014AnnaRelease14March2014
ArtPlay Palette Spring DueArtPlayPaletteSpringDue
Flower Overlays No. 2FlowerOverlaysNo.2
MultiMedia Branches No. 3MultiMediaBranchesNo.3
Spring WordART No. 1SpringWordARTNo.1
Additional Supplies:
WarmGlows No. 3WarmGlowsNo.3
TapedTextures No. 1TapedTexturesNo.1
ArtsyStains No. 3ArtsyStainsNo.3
ButtonThreadz No. 2ButtonThreadzNo.2
Splatters No. 1SplattersNo.1
Font: TrashHand and Alternative Gothic
Photo: Mine

Notes: After opening a new 12x12 file in PS, I typed out the word Spring with the Vertical Type Tool and sizing it to fit top to bottom and positioning where I wanted it. I wanted the design of the page to center around it.

With my photo in mind, I chose artsy paper 6 with the flower and brought my photo in and using a reverse mask brought it back out with AnnaBlendz brushes and a Different Stroke brush. I duplicated the photo and the blend modes are Normal first layer and Overlay on the duplicate layer. Then bringing in a a warm glow over the photo and blending to Overlay. This blended these layers into the flower on the background paper.

I clipped pattern paper 1 to the word spring and gave the type layer a bevel and emboss with a drop shadow. Over these layers I clipped a couple of transfers to the word. I clipped the flower transfer to the r to make it look like the flower from the background spilled over onto the letter. With a layer mask, I brushed what I did want spilling over onto other letters. An artsy stain in yellow was stamped over the top letter as well as splatters in black. A taped texture was added over the bottom right of the photo and the tape from the kit was placed over the letter i. I dodge and burned the tape to make it appear adhered to the letter.

Underneath the letters I placed parts of the MM Branches 3 next to the photo and tucked in the stamp and placed the word art, recoloring it from the photo. Below the stamp I placed another transfer much reduced in size at the bottom left corner.

In the layers panel just above the background paper, I placed a flower overlay and recolored it a green from the palette and blended to Multiply. Underneath this layer I brought in pattern paper 2 and with a reverse mask, brushed back in a tiny edge on the right side of the page where the lace is located in the overlay. The button and thread were added to create a small cluster. I think thats just about it for this layout of my Mom and me on a motorcycle trip with Dad.

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Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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