

Cinque Terre

  • Media owner zlemon
  • Date added
Still playing with my friend's holiday photos and that lovely new APP Abrazo. Someday I'll be a tourist here instead of an armchair traveler.

ArtPlay Palette Abrazo **New & On Sale**

MultiMedia Suns No. 3

Process notes:
I opened up the SolidPaper No. 1 from ArtPlay Palette Abrazo and rotated it 90 degrees. I used a brush from the APP as a mask. I then placed my photo and clipped it to the mask and merged the layers. I duplicated the masked photo three times using blend modes of color burn, saturation and color burn. I created a composite layer (Shift+OPT+CMD +E), and added PhotoShop filters of colored pencil and sprayed strokes. I then duplicated that layer and applied a glowing edges filter using the screen blend mode. I added transfers behind the masked photo to elongated the art and give it a slightly misty look. I brushed black along the coastline and the mountains for more dramatic emphasis. Also placed Multimedia Sun No. 3 at the top and reduced the opacity to 37%. Added text at the bottom as the finishing touch.

Thanks for looking.
Love this! The photo treatment and how the flourishes compliment the photo.
Love how the flourishes worked so well for clouds.Beautiful technique on the photo. This is truly stunning!
Congratulations! Your page was featured on the Gallery Standouts blog!
ditto to what everyone else said, this is just gorgeous! The swirly flourishes in the background are the perfect complement to the photo. Congrats on the GSO!

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Anna Aspnes
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