

Black Eyed Susans

  • Media owner LDArtist
  • Date added
This is an Ad for the "O Agency"
It's for a fictional book about Black Eyed Susans.
Will we ever know how Susan got a black eye?
We may never know!
Credits list
For August #2 Challenge - The O Agency

The photo I took this morning.
The background gradient of yellows.
The subject written across the width of the page
I found the bee in a kit by Crafty Button Design "Rainbow Mixed Media"

Thanks for another super challenge from THE O Agency!
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Crafty Button Designs
I love these flowers ( i also have them in my garden) Love the OBB effect, wonderful picture !
Great poster design, really moving my eye from the softer focus darker part to the brighter contrasted very legible text. I got there and then remembered the challenge, but you had me going to find the book, you really did. Also love the perfect classic bee sketch with motion.
Oh, I miss my sunflowers this year. What a lovely photo with so much depth. I like the bloom cascading over the border of the photo. Beautiful design and great design.
Fantastic work all the way around! Love the journaling and your description and the OOB work!

Layout information

Challenge 2
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File size
226.5 KB
600px x 849px

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