
Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder

After many years of being told our son had ADHD, seeing more doctors than I can remember and trying EVERY possible treatment, technique, etc. Things just continued to get worse. Until one day in February 2010 when things came to a breaking/turning point. Since that time, our son has been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and will be starting medication tomorrow. Praying it will be the help we have desperately searched for all these years.

The format of this layout was inspired by TaylorMade Designs' All-Inclusive Template - For the Record

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Font is Times New Roman

Jounaling is partly from my heart and partly inspired by two songs. Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace and Joey by Concrete Blonde
i am speechless... mainly because i have tears streaming down my face, so the screen is a bit blurry to me at the moment. i sooooooooooo feel your pain here... and not becuase i've been through it, but because of your cry for help in this journaling. you expressed this so perfectly. and get OUT!!!!!!!!!!! i SWEAR i thought i was the only person ALIVE who even knew who concrete blonde WAS... much LESS knew any of their lyrics. the album that that song is on STAYED in my (back then) tape player in my car for MONTHS... this song being top of the list of favs!!! dude... i may have to go dig that thing out and listen to it again!!! her voice is so moving to me. ok... sorry... didn't mean to get off the subject here. lol. serioulsy... this layout is so very moving and i do know [all to well] exactly what an incorrect diagnosis can do. but luckily, i also now know that there is hope and that a person you watched being ripped apart in front of you CAN be restored. i was just allowed to witness that VERY thing in my husband and i must say... the daily agony that led up to the breaking point, that led up to restoration was SOOOO worth it... to see the 'real' him again... and to see HIM see the real him again. it's so very powerful. my prayers are with you and your son!!!!
DAAAANNNNG... (*blusing*) sorry for the NOVEL up there!!! bahahahahahaha.
Oh my goodness...what a beautiful page! Prayers to you & your son...I can't imagine how rough this must be for you. I hope the medication helps...{{hugs!!}}
Wow! You are some awesome parents, first of all! What a painful and VERY hard journey you've had... I hope that this medicine will bring some relief to all of you!
Wow - what a hard road you are all on right now. ((hugs)) Sending prayers as you start on your next journey with the medication - I really hope this will give your son some peace.
WOW, what a beautiful page & your journaling is AMAZING!! My MIL suffers from this & until you get that correct diagnosis it is sooo difficult to endure, BUT let me tell you that it is absolutely incredible the difference the correct medications can make - I hope they make that difference for your son & he finds the peace & relief you are longing for. Big hugs & prayers to you & your son! Thanks so much for sharing this with us!
I'm currently walking a similar path with my eldest daughter, but we are still waiting for a diagnosis. It's a terribly tough road, and then throw in teenage attitude and well ... yeah I know you understand. My brother is also BiPolar ... and it was a long road with him as well, but medication has been incredible for him, and now he's teaching full time and living life to the fullest. There is HOPE!! ((((hugs)))
Add me in as another one who is amazed at your very strong and brave journaling. DH was misdiagnosed for several years as Bipolar II, turned out he las late stage lyme. Nit sure which one is better... thinking that each has its own +/-'s.
I am thinking good thoughts for you and your son and your whole family as they are affected by this.


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