

Bath Time

  • Media owner tylertooo
  • Date added
We hardly ever get rain, but when we do it is usually all in a few weeks time. Often times because the ground has been so dry, it just doesn't seep into the ground.

Journaling reads: After weeks of rain, my first reaction when I saw Cricket running toward the massive puddles in the arena was to yell at her to stop, but when I saw how much fun she was having rolling in the mud, and crawling on her belly, I just didn't have the heart to scold her. Instead, I grabbed my camera and started taking photos. She looked so very happy.

Supplies Used:
All Anna Aspnes -
ArtPlay Solids Forget Me Not
ArtPlay Palette Fotographie
AnnaBlendz CheckerBoard No. 1
Loop da loop artstrokes no. 4
ArtPlay Palette No. 4
ArtPlay Palette Play
Scriptease Happiness
MYO FotoFrames Layered Template No. 2
ArtPlay Palette Mist

Fonts: FFF Tusj, & FG QUesneLL

Nothing better than a good mud bath! Love these great photos and awesome blending!

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Anna Aspnes
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