

Bath Time

  • Media owner tylertooo
  • Date added
We hardly ever get rain, but when we do it is usually all in a few weeks time. Often times because the ground has been so dry, it just doesn't seep into the ground.

Journaling reads: After weeks of rain, my first reaction when I saw Cricket running toward the massive puddles in the arena was to yell at her to stop, but when I saw how much fun she was having rolling in the mud, and crawling on her belly, I just didn't have the heart to scold her. Instead, I grabbed my camera and started taking photos. She looked so very happy.

Supplies Used:
All Anna Aspnes -
ArtPlay Solids Forget Me Not
ArtPlay Palette Fotographie
AnnaBlendz CheckerBoard No. 1
Loop da loop artstrokes no. 4
ArtPlay Palette No. 4
ArtPlay Palette Play
Scriptease Happiness
MYO FotoFrames Layered Template No. 2
ArtPlay Palette Mist

Fonts: FFF Tusj, & FG QUesneLL

Cute! What great shots you captured in the water and love those checkered masks..............such a great page, Joanie.
You're a great Mom to let her have her fun ... and created a delightful page!
I don't envy you giving that bath! Wonderful page - love the colors, that scratchy font and checkerboard transition!
ROFL!!!! WHat Fun!!! Love how you have blended with the checkerboard and also included the little cluster of photographs at the edge! :)

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Anna Aspnes
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