

AnnaColor: Mariupol

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It was the first day of Spring and I was in shock. Thousands of people were kidnapped from Mariupol and taken to Russia. The horror stories would come later, but now I had to get my feet back on the ground and reckon this news with the idea that it's all good and working as it should.
Credits list
Anna Aspnes: Paper (Live's Little), Overlays (Moments), MM Leaves 9, SparkleDots, Brushes
ET Designs: frame
lgrieveson: no_big_deal
“I went inside my heart to see how it was. Something there makes me hear the whole world weeping.” ~ Rumi
There will be new cities. There will be new dreams. There will be a new story. There will be, there’s no doubt. And those we've lost will be remembered. And we will sing again, and we will celebrate anew.
—Ukrainian President Zelensky
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  2. et designs
  3. Foxeysquirrel
  4. Vicki Stegall
  5. Lynn Grieveson
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Reactions: cyanne22
Wow. (Double wow.) Chilling, yet that overlay of hope is there. You are so good at portraying contrasts.
beautiful page to which we cannot remain insensible! all these people are admirable, but what a future for those who are going to stay, what tears! I love this torn portrait of mother with her children like all those separated families!
Beautiful and powerful. The devastation to the cities is unbelievable. But the strength of the citizens is amazing. Who and how will this monster be stopped?
Really drawn to the right side. The torn image, all the dots, and the tilt of the journaling strip.

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Anna Aspnes
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Vicki Stegall Designs, 52 Inspirations, Foxeysquirrel, et designs, Lynn Grieveson,

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File size
993.5 KB
1224px x 777px

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