


I pass these beautiful red cone flowers regularly in my neighborhood; decided I must plant a few of my own. I like to enjoy flowers from all distances and many angles, including up close and personal.

The 12x12 page FotoBlendz easily adapt, and look good, for all sizes. I "free transformed" them 4 times for my 4 photos, then added Paper Texture to pop them off the page.
I love the "banner" from ArtPlay Bespoke. I clipped flower photos to the circles. Then added Stains, Strokes, beads and splatters from Sea Sprinklez.
The journaling is intentionally "blended" to give a dreamy effect; one will have to look closely to see what I was thinking :-)
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
This IS a close up! Took me a minute to figure it out. Nice job using the Page fotoblendz like that. Beautiful!
Oh my. Beautiful nature walk that you have in your own garden! Perfect quote with this page.
Wowie! A welcome bright blast to start off my morning! I bought red coneflowers last year and they came back nicely this year...but the drought has shortened their growing season. The purple ones are much more hardy under duress. Fab close-up work!
Wowie! A welcome bright blast to start off my morning! I bought red coneflowers last year and they came back nicely this year...but the drought has shortened their growing season. The purple ones are much more hardy under duress. Fab close-up work!
Thanks ! I would like to add some purple ones and some susans, but I have very little space. Fortunately, drought is not a problem in our part of Oregon, although we do use irrigation in the summer.
I'm envious! My boys have killed every attempt with the weedeater so I don't try any more. Thanks you for sharing your garden with me!
Really great idea to show the macro on one side with the explosion on the other!
Wonderful focus on the coneflowers! Love the macro view. Love watching the butterflies flit around them.
Nice photos and I love the perforations from the masks. I gave up on the red ones. They just never thrive3d here. :D
This is just fantastic!! These colors are SO beautiful and you've used them perfectly in your page design! I love the large purple and red splashes of color!

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Anna Aspnes
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248.1 KB
1000px x 618px

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