
Angel Among Us

Angel Among Us

Carla Gibson Cottage Daisies green paper, Chopin Script, Freebooter Script, Brush by George Gibson for Carla Gibson, Carla Gibson's Hat from Altered Head Gear, Words from the heart.
Feeling very sad tonight...this is a beautiful tribute from a loving husband...I wish you had longer with her but someday you will be together again...
So very beautiful.
Today I went back to look at Carla's blog and her words.
She was so beautiful in so many ways.
What great joy she found with you and Taylor.

I look at this picture and can't believe she won't be with us and
yet I know she still will be with us in her spirit, love, family, and
beauty she has left for us.
My love and sympathy...
Beautifully done George. I miss her so much, and can only sit and think of all the wonderful things she did and said. She was a beautiful spirit and she is deeply missed. My heart goes out to you and Taylor. The largest of TEXAS hugs to you both.
I hope you both find some comfort that she will still be watching over you and around you too. Im sure she has a bigger role to fill, there has to be a reason for her going so soon. She will be remembered by so many for having made a big difference in the world. Hugs to you both
Vanessa in Aus
This piece is full of beauty - your heart shines through it even in your time of grief.
The subtle glow of the halo over Carla is a wonderful touch....
Ohhh...I've got tears in my eyes! I'm so sorry for your loss... Carla was a wonderful and caring woman!!
Carla you will be deeply missed....
Beautiful tribute to your love... I'm so so sorry for your loss.. Thoughts and prayers for your family in this difficult time...
Im so sorry for your loss George and Taylor. My prayers and my thougts are with you

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