

Angel Among Us

  • Media owner mac-daddy
  • Date added
Carla Gibson Cottage Daisies green paper, Chopin Script, Freebooter Script, Brush by George Gibson for Carla Gibson, Carla Gibson's Hat from Altered Head Gear, Words from the heart.
Amazingly beautiful. I'm so sorry for your loss. It is clear how much you loved her and I know how much she must have loved you. My heart goes out to you.
This is beautiful. I am so sorry for your loss. May the Lord of Light protect you, guide you, and bring you peace in this hour. May you find the solace and serenity He provides. Thoughts and prayers are with you and Taylor.
George this is such a beautiful tribute to a beautiful lady. Carla was such a gorgeous person inside and out and I know she loved you both so very very much, she was like a surrogate mum to me, I was always asking her advice, I feel like I have lost a member of my family. All my love and prayers are with you and Taylor at this time
I am so sorry for your loss! Your family is in my thoughts and prayers through this difficult time.
this is beautiful. Beyond words really. I'm sitting here sobbing. My heart breaks for you both. You are a stronger person than I can ever hope to be. God bless you and Taylor.

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