
220,000 Deaths

220,000 Deaths

220,000 Deaths

aA papers, ribbon, FotoGlow, Lace, Flower, Stitchez, foto mask
Skeleton, hat, skirt, necklace, bracelet, ring, rosary, ukulele, bouquet: pngwave
Fiesta Mexican Flowers (on guitar) Jane Cide
Lace paper: Selegan
Papel picado: Mia's Graphic Design
Textures: Max Anderson

The coronavirus death toll passed 220,000 and was predicted to get much worse as weather got colder and more people gathered indoors. The number of infections was increasing, even in Colorado, but the death toll was decreasing.

For those not familiar with Dia de los Muertos, Day of the Dead, we celebrate this Mexican holiday which is filled with color and the foods that our loved ones who have died loved, and skeletons are dressed according to their personalities. Candles and prayers for each one too.
Wonderful art for telling this story. Love the flags and the skeleton. We don't see the end yet.
Love how you used this holiday to memorialize the 220,000 souls who have lost their lives to this pandemic. And still, the lack of leadership continues.
De la gait avec ces clbrations joyeuses des ftes des morts au Mexique, et de la tristesse avec ce rappel des 220000 Decs au Etats Unis,
une page impressionnate DK.
(Couvre-feu, restrictions locales, confinement partiel avant les vacances de la Toussaint... De nouvelles mesures doivent tre annonces ce soir par Emmanuel Macron pour tenter de lutter contre une "deuxime vague forte" de lpidmie.) Nous ne pourrons pas avoir nos petits enfants durant les vacances
de la Toussaint, a me rend trs triste...)
The future is scary...and it didn't have to be this way. Fantastic documentation...again.
Wonderful memorial to the 220,000. Love the skeleton and flags. This is getting serious, but people still don't believe! Agree with Laura, it didn't have to be this way!

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Anna Aspnes
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