
Happy Birthday, Mom!

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Journaling reads: Alice Winnebee Ryker Brandenburg, born January 29, 1934; the wonderful woman I had the privilege of calling “Mom”. She would be 89 years old today if she were living. I’m sure that she wouldn’t want to leave her eternal home just to celebrate an earthly birthday. Especially since she lives in a land free of tears, heartache, pain, worries and troubles. And I would not want her to leave that home for even one day of troubles in this earthly abode!

I didn’t always think I was privileged to call her “mom”. I didn’t like her rules. But, I guess no kid likes rules; not until I became a mom and realized those rules were only for my good and because she loved me unconditionally!

I’m so thankful my children were able to spend a week every summer with her. I know they miss Grandma and Grandpa Brandenburg. When I reminded them of her birthday today, they immediately began listing some of their memories they have of times spent with them:

Jessica: Playing pickle outside with Davey then kickball with Uncle Joe (my brother) and hide-n-go-seek. Slices of Colby cheese, the large roll ;)(we did not buy Colby cheese). Terrible tea, popcorn after church and Tony’s pizzas and Murder She Wrote!

Michael: I remember whipping you turkeys (his siblings, cousins and grandma) in Canasta. Praying the pictures wouldn’t fall off the wall (as they played in the hall). Frozen pizza after church. If it’s yellow, let it mellow.

Elisabeth: I’m thankful for the memories we have! Potted meat and honey buns. Bambi (their cousin always crawled around and pretended to be Bambi). The Price is Right.

Nathanael: “Vieeny weenies” and cheese crackers. The blue room (one of the bedrooms). Soaps, then Gilligan’s Island, Mash, Gomer Pyle, and Andy Griffith. Wheel of Fortune. Fudge. Spearmint gum. Hide and seek. RC Cola.

I asked Michael about his “if it’s yellow, let it mellow” comment. He said, “they were stingy with the cistern water so we had to share bath water and not flush the toilet too often.” To which Nathanael said, “when it’s brown, flush it down.” I had to laugh! That was definitely my parents! They had to buy water, so they didn’t “waste” it, LOL! I asked, “Did you fight about who got to take their bath first?” Jessica said she always went first. Michael had to go last since he was dirtiest! HA! I can believe that, too!

The week the kids stayed at mom and dads they were also joined by their two cousins. And I’m sure some of the neighborhood kids were thrown into the mix! Thank you, Lord, for the blessings You have bestowed on my family throughout the many years of my life! Thank You for Godly parents!
Credits list
January 2023 Color Play
Color Crush 64 (florals) by Joyful Heart Designs
Color Crush 64 (solids) by Joyful Heart Designs
With Love Elements by Natali Designs
Sweet Romance Photomasks by Palvinka Designs
Photo is mine
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Joyful Heart Designs
  2. natali design
  3. Palvinka
Oh Vicky. This makes me smile. I can feel the love through the journaling. A beautiful tribute to your mom!
Wow such a wonderful mom, and a great tribute. Love you’ve asked your children to tell their memories.

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