
Windows 10???

For the windows 10 users ...

yesterday evening in the Belgium TV news was windows 10 one of the items ... they warned of the privacy of the users ...

If do not change the settings of the privacy, all your data, passwords are visible for microsoft ...

For the moment I work with my windows 8.

Are there any of you who use Windows 10 with LR and PS CC .. with or without problems ????
For the windows 10 users ...

yesterday evening in the Belgium TV news was windows 10 one of the items ... they warned of the privacy of the users ...

If do not change the settings of the privacy, all your data, passwords are visible for microsoft ...

I read an article too about this privacy issue and the problem is that your private data (credit card numbers, passwords...) are saved on microsoft servers... which could be hacked by anyone! And even if you use the virtual keyboard, what you type is seen. So definitely not going to switch on Windows 10. I don't really need to have issues with my computers since I use them for my work...
For the windows 10 users ...

yesterday evening in the Belgium TV news was windows 10 one of the items ... they warned of the privacy of the users ...

If do not change the settings of the privacy, all your data, passwords are visible for microsoft ...

For the moment I work with my windows 8.

Are there any of you who use Windows 10 with LR and PS CC .. with or without problems ????

Oh i missed this, i have windows 10 on my pc now, my hubby is picking my pc up now from the store where they repared it.
I must look how i can change the privacy settings then, thank you for the info Marijke.
I've taken the plunge and switched to Windows 10 . Adjusting a lot of privacy and security sections.
It seems to load quicker then Windows 7 , the only thing that annoys me is that it has changed the way Photoshop ( CS 2) works . When you open a new 12x12 page it only has sliders on the right and bottom -I find it more difficult to see where the left side edge is.
And what's more annoying when you change a colour or size and have to click the layout disappears - gave me a fright several times- but then when you click again it's visible again.
And... I cannot go from Photoshop to File Explorer without minimising PS.

Is anyone else having problems with PS??
Ellen, for me nothing has changed for my CS6. I did add all the programs I frequently access to my tool bar on the bottom of my screen. This saves from having to minimizing PS.
I've got them on the toolbar too Fran but when I try to open it ( with PS open) I still cannot see it.
My husband upgraded pretty quickly but hasn't been overly enthousiastic about it and a couple of weeks ago his laptop kept giving the now-very-fancy-looking blue-screen-of-death.
He spent quite some time to get it working again.

That didn't give me much convidence to upgrade.
my photoshop ( CS2) is now freezing all the time and I'm in a panic , just when I'm doing Anna's classes and want to start on my albums again.

I re -installed CS2 but now it simply isn't responding. grrr if this isn't solved by tonight I'll go back to Windows 7.:yell:
my photoshop ( CS2) is now freezing all the time and I'm in a panic , just when I'm doing Anna's classes and want to start on my albums again.

I re -installed CS2 but now it simply isn't responding. grrr if this isn't solved by tonight I'll go back to Windows 7.:yell:

Oh no! I'm still hearing about bugs in Windows 10, which I think will be fine and overcome ... but messing with my existing software apps is one of my fears. I hope you get everything resolved soon!
oh no Ellen, I'm so sorry you are having all these issues. Thankfully I didn't have any issues with my CS6. Hope you get it resolved soon!
:juggle: :juggle: it's working again. I don't know why now as I have not changed anything . Long may it last.
If not I'm going to get a new laptop ( even though the CTR button has been stuck back:))
I just changed over last night. Thanks for the tip about not accepting the express install recommendations! What a lot of garbage in there...
My opinion after using it for 1/2 day:

1. Major design fail. Everything is boxy and ugly and totally unsexy.
2. Again, thank you for the tip to customize everything instead of accepting all the defaults. What a LOT of garbage! However, this also means that except for the ugly interface, it is completely FUNCTIONAL and basically lets me live my life without interference, for which I'm very grateful. All my CS5.5 apps work and play together exactly like they used to.
3. File explorer is different enough to notice, but not different enough to impinge on functionality.
4. Opening files is restricted to a 2-row interface with a lot of wasted blank space on the pop-up window (again, design fail), but it works. It's a touch slower because I can't see so many thumbnails at the same time, but ok. Not such a big deal.
5. Changing settings and preferences has remained pretty clear.
6. I was able to throw out all the tile thingies from the start menu, so that part isn't bugging me. I also rejected all their options for sending info back to Microsoft, which they wanted so they could "enhance" my browsing pleasure. Riiiiiiiight. *lol*

Overall, the nightmare I'd imagined did not arise. I'm still able to use all my legacy programs with no visible change, which is what I needed. So, yay! Now I won't have that stupid update thing bugging me every night, either...
and the saga goes on... my cpu was used by the system for most of the time and kept on stopping procedures. I keep on getting warnings not enough Ram too. The laptop is getting red hot. no virus as I keep on scanning and checking.

Finally I decided to go back to Windows 7 the option was still there as in my settings.
It told me it would ...only to find out it did a reinstall of Windows 10 ( including all the garbage) and has removed most of my programs plus the opportunity to go back to 7

Are they trying to push us towards Apple even more?? now what.?
and he saga continues

I got my boys to reinstall Windows 7 , then went onto Photoshop CC and find that my laptop cannot cope with that as it only has 3GB RAM it keeps on stopping Photoshop so no scrapping .:x

so the solution ...tada I bought a new laptop with much higher specifications and 16GB RAM ; and a bigger disk and some SSD in it as well .Hopefully I can play again next week :smile: