


I've learned a few tricks
im NOT an organized person. (there ...its out)

I can never find what I want in my digiscrap supplies without paging and paging thru each folder.

does anyone have tips I can use to try to reign in my supplies before it gets out of hand.

Hi Riandel... what program do you use for your scrapping? If you use Photoshop then there is always "Bridge" that is part of your program to organize and tag all of your supplies. I usually just put everything on my external hard drive and organize them into folders and sub folders of the different Designers. I know that some of the other CheeryO's might have a better suggestion for you. Best to get some sort of organization though before it gets out of control :becky:
I use Bridge for my photos, but prefer using the PSE Organizer for scrapping supplies. You can tag each item with as many descriptive words as you want (it takes a little time, but well worth it...if I want, say, all my Oscraps masks, I click on both descriptive tags...Oscraps and Masks, and voila, there they all are!). One thing you MUST remember is to store your supplies on your hard drive, NOT just drag them directly to the Organizer. You must first file them (I file by Store, then by Artist), then drag them from your filing place to the Organizer. If you just put them in the Organizer, they will disappear, as the Organizer is not actually a storage place. I hope that makes sense.

If you Google "using PSE Organizer," you will find many tutorials that will explain it better than I can.
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i use pse 12... I'm going to go do some research ...thanks

I've never heard of bridge ... is this with pse or ps ??


i found a great video on youtube on using the organizer and I'm working with that... i can see it will make a huge improvement ...

im a PC person with a new MAC and not being organized is compounding my problems...

thanks for your help and information

Glad to help. Just remember, when you open your kits, DO NOT DRAG THEM DIRECTLY TO THE ORGANIZER!!!!!! Drag them to your computer file first, and from THERE drag them to the Organizer!
one more ???

ok...will do

i find that when i have the organizer and editor open at the same time...my laptop runs slower

is this normal ?? and if so ... how do you access your supplies if you don't have both open at the same time ??

Somebody else will have to answer that question. I do not use a laptop. I have a PC with two monitors. I have more memory than any five people I know on my computer.
Somebody else will have to answer that question. I do not use a laptop. I have a PC with two monitors. I have more memory than any five people I know on my computer.


i did purchase the larger ram for the laptop due to PSE ... and have had no issues

until i loaded everything in to organizer and started using it
Riandei - Finder is great for organizing scrap stash. It has awesome search tools like having a combination of several search criteria (CMD F) and you can have a couple of Finder tabs (CMD T) open at the same time.
(it can slow down the computer eventually though, so it's good to close Finder from time to time)

I used to tag every single elements in Bridge, but no more, it's painfully slow. But I still use it to add metadata to my products.

The folder structure some people use (including me) is:
scrap library > store > designer > kit
you can search within a store for supplies, or just look at a single designer, or inside one particular kit only
Riandei - Finder is great for organizing scrap stash. It has awesome search tools like having a combination of several search criteria (CMD F) and you can have a couple of Finder tabs (CMD T) open at the same time.
(it can slow down the computer eventually though, so it's good to close Finder from time to time)

I used to tag every single elements in Bridge, but no more, it's painfully slow. But I still use it to add metadata to my products.

The folder structure some people use (including me) is:
scrap library > store > designer > kit
you can search within a store for supplies, or just look at a single designer, or inside one particular kit only
thank you

i do find FINDER to be daunting to a PC person ... maybe I just need more practice
Romy, I didn't know about the different search criteria so thanks for that.

Riandel, I'm fairly new to Mac too and really hated Finder until I discovered the 'search' box there. Now I can find everything and don't bother to tag.

So if for instance I'm looking for Anna's Urban Stitchez I can type 'stitchez' into the search box, making sure I've selected a folder to the left in Finder - for instance - 'pictures' or desktop or documents/ whatever. If I don't find it there select 'all my files' and do another search or change the search criteria. Once you find it you'll notice the path to the file underneath which is handy if you didn't know where it was or want to move it.

It only brings up the 'stitchez' files and nothing else so you can use the arrows and quickly scroll through to find the ones you want

Also once you find the file you're looking for you can drag the pic to the PSE icon in the dock. To bring the pic up select one of the view icons above.

And BTW you can add photos/whatever to the documents folder. I think I got that tip from Heather (Prins) and should thank her. I now put my camera pics in there and my scrap stash in 'pictures'. But it's a case of whatever works for you.

Clear as mud probably LOL

Good luck with it!
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I have all my latest stuff on the laptop, every once in a while I copy or move it to my EHD. Not over organized, just a folder for each designer.
When I need something i search in windows explorer, i do not tag, just use the names designers give to the elements. I can easily search for frames, paint, ribbon etc.
Not everything comes up orcourse, because not all designers specify their elements, but a lot do.
I also use the o store to search. If i am looking for a special kit i search in the store so i know where to find it in my folders, or what i need to buy.
I have organized in different ways over the many years I've been scrapping.

Around 2007, after I'd been scrapping for a couple of years, I learned of a method involving folders for every digital element -- papers, ribbons, frames, alphas, buttons, etc, with subfolders for colors. It worked really well back when I was getting started because I got a lot of freebies and my collection was small. I really liked mixing and matching kits.

But in 2012 I began scrapping for designers and also decided to start scrapping for hire. And I left the one digiscrap store I'd been nearly exclusive to for the previous 5 years and started visiting several. So I needed to start organizing by store and designer. And furthermore, I had to have my scrap4hire-friendly kits separate from PU-only.

I managed to to reorganize almost everything, but not thoroughly. And then, another year or two later, I nearly dropped scrapbooking completely in favor of focusing on my photography. But I missed scrapbooking a lot and have struggled to get back into it. I've done much better this year, since I designated Sundays my scrapping day, but like the original poster in this thread, sometimes I spend too much time clicking in and out of folders and scrolling through a lot of files to find elements I want to use on my layouts. And much of my stash goes ignored. I do want to use it -- I have weeded out old stuff I no longer like -- I just have so much!

The best thing I've done for organizing is making my folder thumbnails be the image of the kit or alpha or whatever it is, so as I'm scrolling I can see what's in the folders without opening them. Of course, I can't see the tiny things like buttons and stickers.

I know I need to get better at tagging! It's easy with Finder on the Mac. I just need to get consistent about it.
The best thing I've done for organizing is making my folder thumbnails be the image of the kit or alpha or whatever it is, so as I'm scrolling I can see what's in the folders without opening them. Of course, I can't see the tiny things like buttons and stickers.

This is what I need to do. I have so much stuff that I don't use, and I scroll and scroll, trying to find something that I need for my page and I waste more time doing that!
I am so lost, things seemed easier back in 2011, but i come back a year ago. and can't figure out what to do with stuff since then. . designers selling else where too, ones retired and buying kits in parts - i can not see order - and i was so good before.
I have a good rename util, so long filenames not a problem. but no clue on anything other then that
Stash organization

Just wanted to add my two cents. I use ACDSee 18 to organize all my scrap supplies. I am probably more organized than most, but I have put all my kits from the last 8 years into this database which uses keywords to sort/catalog. Thus, with one click I can pull up a pictorial view of all my masks, flowers, buttons, transfers, etc. and when I click on the thumbnail it shows me where that particular item is stored on my computer. This software stays open on my right monitor (allowing me to drag and drop the item to PS - no need to open any folders) while I am working in PS on my left monitor. It works fabulously, but it does mean I have to add every single new kit into the database. Tagging to keywords involves no typing, just dragging from the item's thumbnail to one of the keywords in my personally created list. I love it!

If I remember correctly, not really, at least not in the database portion of the program. I think they changed the little icons in the catalog portion. They just look different. There are enhancements in the editing portion of the program, but I don't think things changed in the database. It's been awhile since I used 14. I hate to keep upgrading, but I do, as I fear they will abandon the program if people don't continue to buy it. (Their support used to be stellar and now it is nearly nonexistant.)
Yeah, that is what I was figuring, most of the other upgrades where in the editing areas, more than the database.
I used to be part of their CS, not the tech part but community outreach, and it is sad to see how little they do anymore for their users.