
August 2010 Standing O's


Well-Known Member
Alrighty.....Show us your favorites, link us to the LO's that have really inspired you in some way!! ANYONE can nominate someone for a Standing O!!! Let's fill this thread up this month with some awesome eye candy!!!

Can't wait to see these awesome layouts!!!
we can arrange a pair especially for you Timou! Just click your heels together three times!

Two gorgeous LO's :cheer2:

Can someone explane me how i add a project and ad it as a link ?
Ona has found some awesome layouts to start us off. And there's so much inspiration in the gallery this morning that I just had to come and leave a few more. Look at https://ozone.oscraps.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=174344 by Laurie.

Thank you Veer. I'm really glad you liked it: you make my (mon)day!

And ... my friend loves you!!! He made the picture at right-side and now he tells me that HIS photo is OUT-STANDING ... !!!!
Thanks so much Amanda.... :humble:

for post my page here :cheer2:
you makes my night happy
Please visit Jacinda's Page and read what she says about her pages - she's doing 365P and her pages are amazing. This one really caught my attention and wanted to share her idea with all of you - in my opinion worth a 'standing O'
Image is linked
