
Filling a Font with Personality

troptTips & Techniques

Calling all fontaholics out there (and I know there are a LOT of you out there)! Tropt here to share a fun way to get more out of those bazillion of  fonts on your hard drive.

I’ve been taking a fabulous Art  of Journaling class by our own Amanda Taylor of TaylorMade Designs and it’s gotten me so excited about trying different looks for my journaling (and fonts). So, while the tip I’m going to share isn’t one of the techniques I learned in the class, it did inspire me to play with the visual look of my journaling and fonts.

When I was rummaging around Pinterest, I found this adorable Spring dingbat font called MTF Sweet Nature Dings. It’s a Miss Tina font that you can grab here.

These little chicks are cute on their own but what if you want them to have a little more personality? Hmmm…well, let’s pair them with some fun patterned paper from Tracy Martin’s Flutterby kit. I work in PSE 13 so here is how it would work for you PSE folks (and I’m sure there is an even faster method for PS fans).



And that is how easy it is! Just merge the layers and you’re all set. It’s a fun, quick way to recycle a favorite dingbat or font and add some pizzazz to your pages. Just remember to choose a thick font rather than a skinny one if you plan to try this. So go ahead, play a bit and see what font fun is waiting for you!


  • Rita (ritacica) says:

    It’s great+++ Thanks you Tropt!

  • timounette says:

    great and easy tut !

  • Great idea and beautifully explained. TFS!

  • Wow! Never, ever would have thought of this. Thanks!

  • This is so cool! Thank you!
    By the way, before you rasterize, or simplify, a font, you can change the size of it without affecting the resolution. It is a vector up until you do. Make the element/dingbat the size you want to start out and you will have a larger image in the end.
    Again, thank you for this!
