
**WINNER ANNOUNCED** Scrap What You Love Challenge @ Joanne Brisebois!!


Well-Known Member

It's Valentine's Day and for this challenge we'll be scrapping what we love!

New Products

I've created three new Sketchbook products to help inspire you - on sale for 30% off for this challenge:

Also, check out the Sketchbook packs I have on sale for 50% this week for our We Love a Sale event! These Sketchbook packs will only be on sale until Monday, Feb 18th - click >>here<<.

The Freebie

As a very special Valentine's Day gift to all of you, pick up the Sketchbook Quick Page Freebie - (Freebie has expired)


The Challenge

Your challenge is to be inspired by anything and everything you love! Friends & family, adventures near and far, your city or town, favourite hobbies & activities, holidays - these are just a few ideas to help get you started!

For this challenge I'll be scrapping one of the activities I love most - a travel adventure!

Feel free to create a card, layout, series of layouts, album or any other project with any theme.

Use any of the products above, including the Sketchbook Quick Page Freebie or any other products from my shoppe, then post your masterpiece(s) to my gallery here by midnight EST on Sunday, March 5rd.

The Prizes

Everyone who participates in this challenge will receive a gift coupon for $2 to my shoppe (one coupon per customer).
I am also giving away a $10 coupon to my shoppe to one lucky participant in a random draw at the end of this challenge!

Don’t forget to come back to this thread to post a link to your creation so that we can leave you some love! Feel free to submit as many projects or layouts as you like! The more you enter, the greater your chances will be to win the $10 coupon!
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Well-Known Member
How exciting! Love your challenges and have used the 275 photos one so many times in other ways. Looking forward to using your new items and doing some layouts of things I love, including my new heated slippers.
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Well-Known Member
How exciting! Love your challenges and have used the 275 photos one so many times in other ways. Looking forward to using your new items and doing some layouts of things I love, including my new heated slippers.

Heated slippers sounds like heaven!! I'm excited to see this page!!


Well-Known Member
For this challenge I'll be scrapping a recent visit to the island of Sao Miguel (Azores) where I got to do many of the activities I love most like hiking, exploring and taking way too many photos lol. :)

This is the right side of a double layout (working on the left page right now).

Toucan Scraps

Well-Known Member
thank you for the freebie. I had a play with it this morning. I had fun editing the photos to make them look like negatives, I've not done that before.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the freebie and your pages are, as always, fantastic inspiration! I have some of the SB painted masks but I have to say I have not yet dared to use them. I am always scared I'm not going to manage to make the blended look as good as the sample layouts. This challenge is the perfect opportunity to give them a go. I could see a wonderful double page with your QP on one side and a large painted mask page opposite.
I shall be back...!


Always love your challenges, Joanne. Thanks for hosting and for the freebie.
My 5 month old niece is getting all the love from my family these days.



Well-Known Member
I missed your challenge Joanne !
Here is a first one with your freebie
Still in vacations but i couldn't resist

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