
What Would You Like to See in This Forum?

Susan - s3js

Well-Known Member
Hi, ladies! I'm a bit discouraged because I can't come up with ideas for posts. So let me ask - what would you like to see here? Scrapbook genealogy classes that teach genealogy from the ground up? What special topics? History? Geography?

I would really love to have your input. We did great in the beginning but have petered out and I would rather not beat a dying horse. Or is it just summer?

Many thanks!


Well-Known Member
Well, it is just summer... But what would I like to see. Maybe some details about how you keep your records, Where your search is leading you now. What programs you use.

Susan - s3js

Well-Known Member
Thanks Linda! @LSlycord, when you say how you keep your records, do you mean the paper and electronic documents as in organization, or data entry?