
Weekend Daily O's - 7/24 & 7/25


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies! Big plans for the weekend?

We spent about an hour in the basement last night...a tornado touched down about 20 miles from here. Brian was down there looking at a house and got home just as the sirens started in our town. Damaged some homes but no injuries.

It's still gray here today. Sydney has open gym for gymnastics at 3 and then we head to the baseball game at about 6. Quarterfinals of the State Tournament!:party:

And I need to make a Target run! There goes $150 when I'm planning to spend less than $20.:-?

Hope everyone has a good day! Talk to you soon.


Well-Known Member
I am guessing everyone has melted !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GEEEEEZ it's hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Heat index is around 112...

We went to the country this morning and took the boys on the four wheeler...couldn't stay long..it was just too hot!!

I was exhausted from it....we came home and DH and I both layed down and slept for two hours!!!

I have not accomplished ANYTHING today!!!

Linda....wow..how scary....I am very happy no one was injured!!! Have fun at the game...I hope they win!!! YAY!!! Oh and I hear ya on the Target run...always get way more than I went in for!!!

Okay girlies...I hope you are all having a great weekend!!!


lOve the O!
yikes Linda- tornado-

Nana Linda I hear you on the heat- hot here and storms on the way-

I started my day with travel mug of coffee in the hot tub to destress my tootsies. Started downloading photos from the cd's that I finally got (well, dh finally got from fedex) went for 2 hours of dance lessons, went into work for 2 1/2 hours, got a few groceries- dh got stuck in the magnetic chair- I'm doing chemicals in the hot tub and not sure what else as storms are headed this way - again!!
Heyyy Everyone!!

I am glad to see the forum is back up! I was kind of bummed that as soon as I come back everything goes down!

How is everyone? I've missed so much!


lOve the O!
morning- it is raining- yeah! waters the dried out gardens, means I can stay inside and play PFTD- quiet time, scrapping, cleaning, enjoying a full day with my dh- did my "extra" work yesterday- after 2 hours of dance lessons! Today I plan to make homemade tomato basil soup and barbecued veal- and scrap- oh yeah I said that already!


The Loopy-O
Happy Sunday!!
We had a nice day yesterday. We were at Scott's Girlfriend who's not a GF" house for her b-day BBQ. Scott and Jen like each other and are BBF's, but her mom doesn't want her dating anyone ATM. They are 14, so dating is basically hanging out at one of our houses, or walking in the school halls together, but I can totally understand. It was a family party, and we had a really nice time. Cait swam with the little sister almost the whole day and it is always nice to see Jen and Scott together. She makes him smile. Gary and Jen's dad hit it off really good.

Today my brother is coming up to hang with us a bit, have some lunch. Then- I don't know- depending on how my brother stays, I might see if Cait wants to go to the lake for a bit.

Linda S- tornados freak me out! We had tornado warnings up here on Friday but no one takes them very seriously- We had a water sout once over the lake, but I can't remember if there was anything ever else. Do the kids get scared or it is just pretty routine for everyone?
How was the b-ball game?

Nana Linda- I hear ya on the hot! I brought my bathing suit to the BBQ- figured if any of the adults were going in, so was I!!

Laurie- that sounds like heaven- coffee and a hot tub! Did you get to scrap?

Kayleigh! Hi!!!!

Have a fab day everyone!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning.....

I have too much to do to be on here!!! But here I am!! :D

Just wanted to run in and say HI :wave:

I have had three cups of coffee...so I should be GOOD TO GO!!! so OFF I GO to get some work done!!!


The Loopy-O
hahahah!! Nana Linda is going to be buzzing and bopping along! (Working on my 3rd cup too- so here I am :bounce: )


Well-Known Member
We won the ballgame so they play again Thursday afternoon.

Chris, the tornadoes scare the kids a bit but not much. It's getting to be kind of routine for them! Sounds like the party was quite a bit of fun!

The hot tub and coffee sound splendid Laurie. I need to go check the chemicals in ours. Tonight might be a great hot tub night.

Nana Linda...I'm pretty jazzed up on coffee myself. Hope you get everything done that you need to!


lOve the O!
I'm hoping for a hot tub night tonight- storms seem to have passed by- working on scrapping- but nothing great yet!
Soooo, I know for a fact that my collection of scrap goods is not even close to as big as most of you but when i went a-wall i stopped scrapping. So I removed all the scrap stuff from my PC and put all of the zip files on my external hard drive. Well now I have to unzip it all and organize it again. I've already done a lot but I still have 536 zip files (13GB) to unzip and organize. I'm LOSING my mind! lol

Anywho, I hope everyone has an AMAZING rest of the weekend and I will see you guys when I get out from under this pile of work =]

:preggers: UPDATE: We officially find out the sex of the baby on Aug 17th (Even though I already know it's a girl =] )

I know I have been gone for quite awhile but where is Melanie Colosimo?? She's not listed as a designer anymore and I'm really bummed!
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