
Week 14 Project 365/52/Life

You have quite a busy life Jean! I like that waiting room picture, it speaks volumes! I often think of you when I see or hear an interesting bird.

Had a couple of orioles visit our yard last week, usually jut bunches of finches but they sing their little hearts out! We have a stream that connects our pool and spa, and it comes on in the morning, The birds can't resist it...perfect fresh water for bathing :-)

I think ritualizing project 365 is an important part of getting it done :-)
Okay, I am back. I was growing further and further behind waiting to get caught up. So, I did my most recent week, will move forward and catch up as I can. I use Momento on the iPad to bring in all my Social Media posts so it isn't too hard for me to catch up.

I'm looking for the format I like best for Project Life. I don't think this will be the final choice. lol
Here is my week 14:

Oh Tammy the kiddie pics are so adorable! and love that nail color...I am currently big into blue nails :-)