


Well-Known Member
I'm so done lol my PSE 7 (yes, I've been using Elements version from the dark ages) has finally gone kaput on me. I've had a recent version of Photoshop Elements for a while but I HATED IT so I went back to using my trusted version that I've been using for the last 16 years. This week I had to uninstall it and install PSE 21 because it just would not work anymore and I'm just so frustrated now. I want to throw my computer out the window! It takes me forever to do the simplest things.
:stupicpc: :stupicpc: :stupicpc: :stupicpc: :stupicpc:


Queen of the Universe
I'm pretty sure I started with PSE 7 too! I have upgraded twice since then and am currently using Elements 2019. I did it because there were some newer features that I wanted to be able to use, but it was an adjustment and there were some features that I lost that I still miss from the older versions.


So sorry but WOW that version was from the dark ages...as you said. I have PSE19 that I use the most - even though I have PSE24. PSE 24 would hang up on me and I couldn't close it even with using ESC and/or Alt (not sure what is going on with that) so I have gone back to using PSE19 most of the time.


Well-Known Member
I'm so done lol my PSE 7 (yes, I've been using Elements version from the dark ages) has finally gone kaput on me. I've had a recent version of Photoshop Elements for a while but I HATED IT so I went back to using my trusted version that I've been using for the last 16 years. This week I had to uninstall it and install PSE 21 because it just would not work anymore and I'm just so frustrated now. I want to throw my computer out the window! It takes me forever to do the simplest things.
:stupicpc: :stupicpc: :stupicpc: :stupicpc: :stupicpc:
totally understand - I use PSE 10 and hate the recent versions ever since they changed the interface with pse 11. Everything takes longer to do and when i hear people complain about things i say to myself i dont have that problem. On the other hand dont have all the great added features. But for me its not worth putting up with that awful interface to get them . I do have pse 15 but only use it if I need to do something i cnat do in pse 10.

I am really scared that my pse wont work with win 11 - current pc is 6 years old and dont think it has much life left in it. if so that could be the end of my scrapping days.


Well-Known Member
Other than the occasional screen freeze and the AI section doesn't work' I have had no problem with PSE 22 .
I have learned to back up my LO often as I progress so I don't loose my work when the screen freezes and I have to do a hard shut down of the computer. The AI, I just forget about as Adobe has no answers. I also have windows 11 and have had no problem with it or with the interaction of the two.


Well-Known Member
I have PSE23 and I like it. I haven't ever had any other version so I dont know what is different. I dont create complicated layouts though and probably only use 1% of what the software is capable of but so far I like it.


Well-Known Member
I was the same when I upgraded from PSE to Photoshop eons ago. The only way I could force myself to use photoshop was to uninstall PSE so that I had no other option.

Since I did that, I've been using Photoshop exclusively (well over a decade, probably closer to 15 years) and it worked - Forcing myself to use it made me learn it quicker, and now I wouldn't use anything else.

You will get there, it just takes patience and a bit of time - and maybe a wine or two :floorlaugh:


Well-Known Member
I've been using PSE from version 7 also and now use 2021 so there will be lots of changes but I am sure you will figure it out since most of it is similar. I just wish it had spell check!!! I'm sure there are many people here who can help you get started again.
Ohh how i am getting this i want to throw something frustration.
I step over from PS 2016 to the new Adobe Creative Cloud.
Well everything is different and it is frustrating.
I think after working with Photoshop sinds 2005 i am in need off some lessons.