
Using stock photos...


Well-Known Member
So...on my most recent layout
I used a stock photo. I felt no reason to explain this (and no one here at the O said anything!!!) it's a gorgeous photo and it fit my vision for this layout. My childhood pictures were mostly destroyed in a housefire so I had no pictures of my pony from when I was little.

I guess I could have gone out and found a horse to take a picture of...but when I came across this picture it was purrrrfect :). Anywhoo, I posted my layout at DST and I got this comment "beautiful layout-even if it is a stock photo". And that just galled me. I didn't reply or anything, I just took the compliment, LOL, but should I feel bad? Should we not use stock photos to fill our visions when it is not about a particular event or moment?

I'm not fishing for compliments, I'm really wanting to know :confused: opinions.


Well-Known Member
well that was really insensitive of the person who posted it IMHO... I don't see that it makes a difference and ti's a beautiful layout!


O' whip cracker whip
I seriously dont know what the big deal is with stock photos. I have seen way to many threads there regarding this and some are just plain ugly!!! And frankly, I dont give too hoots who scraps what and for what reason, I am SICK of it should only be for family memories! Who and who's army said that. Yes, I scrap for family memories, but I also scrap as a creative outlet and yes I do use stock photos for that, is that a crime!!

As long as you have in your credits that you have used a stock photo, then let the people get on and off their high horse as much as they want, seriously, I sometimes wonder if people are just bitter for the hell of it *sheesh*

Can you tell I get annoyed with these people LOL


Well-Known Member
That was insensitive and wrong in my opinion. Stock photos should be fine. As long as you are using ones that are free or you have permission to use.

I would ignore the comment.


Well-Known Member
I would ignore it. I'm so sorry that someone was so rude to you! There are lots of reasons for using stock photos. There are lots of scrappers that use almost exclusively stock photos - to each their own.

I think that the really important thing is that credit is given - and actually more importantly - that it is ok by the photographer to use the photos in the first place.

I think that things get heated at DST because many, many people are using photos that are not really stock photos - they are using photos by a few photographers and either not crediting them or crediting them poorly, on top of not having permission to use them in the first place.

I would put it this way - it is your page. Do what is going to make you happy, regardless of how someone else may respond. As long as you have permission to use the photos, just ignore the mean comments. :)
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Well-Known Member
What Tali said. hehe Well said, Tali!

ETA: I'm sorry about your housefire. I can relate. We experienced one when I was in middle school. What didn't burn was damaged by water. My mom brought over five albums that were salvaged, not much considering she had many, many more before the fire. Don't let the comment get to you. (((hugs)))
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Susan Toon

Well-Known Member
Oh girl it's a gorgeous layout. And who cares where the photo came from. It's for your memories...not theirs.


Love the page and the picture is perfect for it!

and about the comment, how about I cheer you up with my most funny comment ever gotten at DST:

Such ridiculous page! Very much it is pleasant to me!

(I guess (hope) the poster liked it but her english is not too good).


Well-Known Member
Love the page and the picture is perfect for it!

and about the comment, how about I cheer you up with my most funny comment ever gotten at DST:

Such ridiculous page! Very much it is pleasant to me!

(I guess (hope) the poster liked it but her english is not too good).

Oh, LOL, Diane! I am sure it was a language barrier problem, I've never seen a layout of yours that anyone would not like. Thank you for sharing that, you just made my day :).

Everyone, thanks so much. It was just such a backwards compliment, ya know?! I really wanted some opinions though because if it was such a big issue I would not use stock images anymore. I only use ones where it says no credit required and only when I just gotta have something for a piece of 'art' instead of a family type layout.

Hugs to all :)


Well-Known Member
I seriously dont know what the big deal is with stock photos. I have seen way to many threads there regarding this and some are just plain ugly!!! And frankly, I dont give too hoots who scraps what and for what reason, I am SICK of it should only be for family memories! Who and who's army said that. Yes, I scrap for family memories, but I also scrap as a creative outlet and yes I do use stock photos for that, is that a crime!!

As long as you have in your credits that you have used a stock photo, then let the people get on and off their high horse as much as they want, seriously, I sometimes wonder if people are just bitter for the hell of it *sheesh*

Can you tell I get annoyed with these people LOL

Woo-Whee! I want you on my side! You're my kind of gal :).


Well-Known Member
Gals, thank you all, I feel better now :).

Scarlet, I'm sorry about your housefire, too, it's really devastating, isn't it?.


Well-Known Member
I agree with everything the others said. As long as the photographer gave permission for it to be used, you are well within your boundaries. And it is a beautiful page!

I have to say that I've been surfing around some other sites for ADSR. I'm really surprised (despite as tech savvy as I am) about how the tone is on many other sites. Such negativity when a person simply asks a question, let alone to squash someone's creativity for whatever reason (like a stock photo or something not fitting a theme well enough). I guess we're are spoiled here at the O because everyone is fantastically nice and supports you as you grow as a scrapper and a person.

So yay to the O for being a fantastic place and yay to Dawn for a fantastic page!


Well-Known Member
I have to say that I've been surfing around some other sites for ADSR. I'm really surprised (despite as tech savvy as I am) about how the tone is on many other sites. Such negativity when a person simply asks a question, let alone to squash someone's creativity for whatever reason (like a stock photo or something not fitting a theme well enough). I guess we're are spoiled here at the O because everyone is fantastically nice and supports you as you grow as a scrapper and a person.

So yay to the O for being a fantastic place and yay to Dawn for a fantastic page!

Sara, you are so right! I would not have dared to post such a question at another site. I have treaded the waters for quite sometime looking for a digi-scrap home and the O is it :). There is such a variety of people, designers, layouts, products, ideas, and everyone is wonderful...love the O!

Chris Turnbull

Well-Known Member
Couldn't agree more with what's already been said. Scrapping is all about preserving memories and a creative outlet...doesn't matter where the photo came from, you've done nothing wrong, you've credited and comments like that are just pure ignorance........really irks me when things like this happens. Hugs :)


Well-Known Member
Dawn, I am sorry that someone doesn't understand the creative outlet that using stock photos gives. That layout is fabulous and your photo choice is perfect. What a beautiful animal.


Well-Known Member
Ignore that comment! What an insensitive thing to say is right! I admire you for using a stock photo - I would love to sometimes but just don't.

Whatever man, your layout your choice. IGNORE nay-sayers!


Well-Known Member
Dawn WOW..that is just wrong! Definitely ignore them! (((Hugs))) I feel so bad when the Nasties start over at DST because it's really unnecessary! What does it matter if you use a stock photo? As long as you use proper credits it shouldn't even be an issue! Don't let them get you down.


I find that if I don't have a picture of my own to use when telling a story a stock photo that can enhance the LO is better than okay, it is often a necessity!


Active Member
oh there are some krewl ones out there in the digi-world. Just let it go and keep up the awesome work.......it doesn't matter what photo you use as long as your not abusing copyrights. So you go girl. Let your creativity flow.!!!


Well-Known Member
I would like to address stock photos, as I am new to the digi side..last 6 months really...
I scrap my family and our memories and sooo understand the creative outlet...have found myself playing a bit for art sake and althought my family stares at the screen, I smile...lol
but stock photos...and credit?

but I have seen numerous photos in layouts in different galleries that are art of artist I know of ex: ann geddes...and no credit...it just seems as bad as making a layout without giving credit to designer...

I am in awe that someone could tell that was a stock photo, it's a horse's eye? and the layout is so soft and sweet, that just goes so pretty with the picture...made me want to take different type pics and scrap a bit different!

thanks from a wonderer


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the O Anne! You'll love it here. (Even if we can be a bit crazy! hee hee) But we are always very nice and loving here!


Well-Known Member
This has been such an interesting topic.

A stock photo is fine to use on your pages just make sure you give credit if it is required. I don't have the link but there was a thread about this a while back about using photos from Anne Geddes a person was confronted about using the photos on her layout. So she actually emailed the contact people at Anne Geddes and they said it was fine to use the photos as long as credit was given and it wasn't used for commercial use. I was happy to hear this because at first I was upset seeing pages created with her photos thinking it was not allowed. I have learned that when in doubt don't use it or contact the photographer. Many times you will be surprised at how fast you can get a response. I also would read the stock photo sites TOU and find out what type of credit is needed if any.

I personally at first didn't understand the use of stock photos because for me... scrapping is about saving memories, but after being in this industry for a while I have come to understand the use of stock photos and think they are a wonderful resource to the community. I think it is fun to use a stock photo to express an artistic vision.

I'm so sorry that the comment the person made was so rude and uncalled for. Many just don't think much before saying hurtful things... your page is gorgeous :)
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