Mary Davies
Hi Everyone this is an update on my condition I will try to keep it short ...I received a letter today from the specialist who has now diagnosed me with liver disease please do not think it is through drinking as I don't drink alcohol it is called PBC... Primary Biliary Cholangitis he said I will be on the 6 a day pills for the rest of my life which depresses me as some of the side effects are not very nice the meds will hopefully prevent further damage to my liver I have to have regular blood tests the next one is in July to see if the meds are helping.
This is what it means
Primary biliary cirrhosis (BIL-ee-air-ee sur-ROH-suhss)
The immune system slowly destroys the liver's bile ducts. Bile is a substance made in the liver. It travels through the bile ducts to help with digestion. When the ducts are destroyed, the bile builds up in the liver and hurts it. The damage causes the liver to harden and scar, and eventually stop working.
This is what it means
Primary biliary cirrhosis (BIL-ee-air-ee sur-ROH-suhss)
The immune system slowly destroys the liver's bile ducts. Bile is a substance made in the liver. It travels through the bile ducts to help with digestion. When the ducts are destroyed, the bile builds up in the liver and hurts it. The damage causes the liver to harden and scar, and eventually stop working.