
Unsolicited criticism on a LO - wdyt?

I actually like CC under the right circumstances. I have several friends that I exchange screenshots with on IM while we are creating pages. I love their input and CC on my LOs! The difference is that I asked for the input and it is from people I respect and trust to give the feedback!

what a great idea exchanging screen shots...duh moment for me..that would be so encouraging especially with fellow Ct members who have so much talent!
I have been reading this thread with interest, kinda a lurker at the O...

I would like to gingerly broach a question, as my hubby is a Pastor and he once told me, when someone says something mean about you, to step out of your shoes and see if there is any truth to it from anothers view? some, not all, there is a reason for their criticism...
what I mean is, was it a critical saying they didn't like it or perhaps they were saying if they did it they would have added or taken away a portion? just pondering it, because I know in any group as large as the digi world there will be some bad eggs, but I haven't met one yet...(perhaps, I am just hanging in the good egg section) lol

and to completely out myself...I wear big girl (granny) underwear....lol, TMI...ha ha
Anne - I think you are lucky. :) I have met several bad eggs, although they do tend to be small in number.

The O is the friendliest place in digi land, so, you all are safe here. :) :)
this is what i'm saying...seriously...for real!!!

Seriously? is exactly my thoughts too!
Why would someone do that?
I live my life by the golden rule....
and I believe in Karma...

When I grow up I want to be just like YOU ...big girl pants and all!

edited to add:
THANK GOD for the O Family!
WOW...really? All I can say is karma is a *&*%! for that person!!

I am a rare breed of person that enjoys CC, but only when I ask for it. Don't get me wrong I love to look back at my old LOs and laugh at myself...but that's for me to do, not others!

I am sorry this has happened to a few of you, all I can say is that there are just "those" people out there and I hope some day they find happiness in themselves so they can learn to respect others as well!
Laura and Yam, I'm so sorry to hear that you've experienced this! I know I try to find positive things in the layouts I comment on -- even if it's only the photo! But critique, not unless I'm asked, and persuaded that it's what they really want me to do!