
So peeved


Well-Known Member
OK just a little mini vent...why o why do people have to throw their cigarette butts in the bark at parks where little kids play!!!!!! It was SUCH a beautiful evening that we took the kids to the park after dinner they had a great time but I had to pull half a dozen butts away from Sadie before she put them in her mouth. Its bad enough trying to get her NOT to eat bark, let alone a tobacco stick that someone else had in their mouth!!!!

Thanks...vent over.

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
I am so with you there! And the really sad thing is that, certainly in this country, unless you are accompanying kids, you can't be in the playground, so that means it IS people with kids dropping the butts.

Jodie McNally Designs

aka lilysmama
yeah, i had this same convo about smoking in a playground just last night. we were at the park and i swear there were like 3 parents standing RIGHT next to the play structure smoking. oh, not to mention one guy dropping the f-bomb left and right (while holding his child). now, don't get me wrong....i've been know to swear (plenty!!!) but not in front of my (or any child). i smoked cigs back in my college days, but i quit long before lily came around....and i never smoked around kids (even as a crazy/wild college student).

i feel your pain, dude!
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Well-Known Member
Ohhhh Jos I agree and around here teenagers hang in the kiddies park writing on the slides etc...it's just so awful.

oh, not to mention one guy dropping the f-bomb left and right (while holding his child)

This is totally my pet peeve! I am also not an angel, but however I do not speak like that in front of my child ever!! It always happens to us in a restaurant too..I am convinced I am a magnet for cursing people.


Well-Known Member
I went to Florida a while back and I felt like I was sitting on one big ashtray when I was at the beach. It really put a dent in the fun.