
Scrap Stories: Creative Block or Scrap Another Day


Well-Known Member
Creative blocks - we all have them... or do we? What do you do when you are stuck? Here is my story - when I can't scrap, I - among other things - write...

I leaned back in my chair and stared hard at the screen, hoping my two-pager work in progress would look better from a different angle. More complete, more wholesome, more cohesive… but.. no such luck. The transition from left to right was still a gaping hole I didn't know how to fill and the photos at the bottom still looked out of place. I sighed. In addition to being stuck, I was getting slightly annoyed with myself. I shouldn't have picked the kit I'd worked with before. (My first page is here) But I'd loved it and was sure I could whip up another couple of layouts without making them look like copycats. True, the pages would go into different albums more than a decade apart, and no-one but me would even notice, but that was beyond the point. And I really didn't want to start looking for another kit that could go with the current one to spice things up a bit on my screen. So I continued staring at the unfinished pages, willing creativity to descend upon me.

"Mom, can you please make me noodles?" My 16-year-old son barged into my office, face annoyed and phone in hand.
"Whatever happened to the cute little you who loved me so much and never wanted to part with me?" I pointed at the screen. He glanced sideways at what I was working on and rolled his eyes.
"Mommy…' he drawled.

I followed him into the kitchen and he sat at the island, engrossed in his IG feed. Making instant noodles is not exactly rocket science, and he could easily do it himself, but I chose to see the situation as him wanting to spend some time with me. And I could use a distraction anyway. One of the cats jumped onto the stool next to him and fixed me with her yellow eyes. The dog plopped himself right behind my feet because this purebred mutt just loves being stepped on. I nodded at the cat and nudged the dog with my foot. Right here, right now was the very reason I scrap - these are the moments I want to preserve and remember, this daily humdrum of the mundane which warms my heart is what inspires me to take photos and… well, I briefly considered dashing back to the office for my phone and a tripod and setting it all up to take a candid snapshot of the scene, which I totally would have… had I had a magic wand. Instead, I drained the noodles and stirred in the spices.

He mumbled something unintelligible under his breath, grabbed the dish, stuffed a packet of chocolate milk into his pocket and headed back to this room. "I'm gonna finish this and then do Bio" he called from around the bend of the stairs.
"Good talk" I shrugged and went back to my two-pager, which was still as incomplete as it had been 4 minutes ago.
'Not today" I chuckled and closed the document. The elements of the kit smirked at me from the folder that was open underneath my Affinity Designer. "You too, Brutus?" I clicked on the cross in the upper right and slammed my laptop shut. Not today indeed.

PS. Needless to say, the next day I was able to finish the pages in no time - journaling always helps fill the page. Here's the result. The morale of the story - go with the flow and if it doesn't flow then don't go. And scrap another day.
This so wonderful to read Olga, I love the way you can tell a story so perfectly through words! I could picture that interchange with your son in my head as I read this! lol! Also love your take on how you dealt with your creative block, as you said, we all get them from time to time, that's for sure! I think I tend to do a bit of mumbling (:censored:) under my breath before I close everything down as hubby will often stop at my door if he is walking past and ask "were you talking to me??!" :giggle4:
I so enjoyed this. You are gifted with words and story telling. I can SO relate to everything you read, other then closing out a program and going back. I dont, sadly, I hit save and print and leave the ugly layout in my books. I dont know why but in my mind if I dont finish it it wont happen. I have a few ugh pages but once the book is printed I dont look back other then to see how I have changed in my scrap abilities. I think I have trashed two layouts in my entire life. I like your idea and process much better though and am going to try it next time the layout is looking at me crosseyed. I will try to keep my mumbling inside my head so I dont scare my family LOL
I so enjoyed this. You are gifted with words and story telling. I can SO relate to everything you read, other then closing out a program and going back. I dont, sadly, I hit save and print and leave the ugly layout in my books. I dont know why but in my mind if I dont finish it it wont happen. I have a few ugh pages but once the book is printed I dont look back other then to see how I have changed in my scrap abilities. I think I have trashed two layouts in my entire life. I like your idea and process much better though and am going to try it next time the layout is looking at me crosseyed. I will try to keep my mumbling inside my head so I dont scare my family LOL
Thank you for the compliment! I can totally relate to looking back at my older layouts and seeing how my style - and skills - have changed. I have created (and printed) many - MANY - cringeworthy pages in my life and I love seeing the progress I've made.

Nowadays, I rarely finish a layout the day I start it. Even when I'm happy with the result, I usually take a look at it a day or two later just to make sure I still like it before moving it to the 'completed' folder. I have layouts I've been working on for a couple of months now - some personal pages where I really need to think about how to tell the story, what to journal, perhaps ask other people for their memories/impressions of what happened... I don't mind having multiple work-in-progress projects.

Your surprised me... I wouldn't print a layout I don't like. Perhaps it's vanity, but I like people going 'wow' when they see my albums and it's much easier to take a compliment with grace if I feel the praise is deserved. I have several albums in various stages of completion, and I've been known to redo a page or two completely. Sending my pages to the printer is a HUGE decision for me.
Your surprised me... I wouldn't print a layout I don't like. Perhaps it's vanity, but I like people going 'wow' when they see my albums and it's much easier to take a compliment with grace if I feel the praise is deserved. I have several albums in various stages of completion, and I've been known to redo a page or two completely. Sending my pages to the printer is a HUGE decision for me.
I'm a messy crafter and perfection growing up was expected. So I didn't craft growing up. Then scrapping came along and I threw paper and stamps and glitter all over and had a blast. They're terrible :giggle4: But my early Digital was basic, lots of photos with slim boarders. No real art. There are pages that aren't ugly per say but they sure aren't pretty. Since I have been here, my skills have grown a bit. Now my pages reflect that but over all if the page is done, its done. Even if I dont love it. My family is the only ones who really see them. I dont normally spend more then an hour per layout. And I print the year in books as it happens.I'm currently a month behind as I haven't done February yet. But at the end of April that will end book one, and it will be printed as soon as I finish the pages. There are days I just dont scrap as the idea of what I want to show doesn't appear in my mind but mostly my layouts are quick, and at times it shows. :giggle4: But it makes me happy so I go with it.
I'm a messy crafter and perfection growing up was expected. So I didn't craft growing up. Then scrapping came along and I threw paper and stamps and glitter all over and had a blast. They're terrible :giggle4: But my early Digital was basic, lots of photos with slim boarders. No real art. There are pages that aren't ugly per say but they sure aren't pretty. Since I have been here, my skills have grown a bit. Now my pages reflect that but over all if the page is done, its done. Even if I dont love it. My family is the only ones who really see them. I dont normally spend more then an hour per layout. And I print the year in books as it happens.I'm currently a month behind as I haven't done February yet. But at the end of April that will end book one, and it will be printed as soon as I finish the pages. There are days I just dont scrap as the idea of what I want to show doesn't appear in my mind but mostly my layouts are quick, and at times it shows. :giggle4: But it makes me happy so I go with it.
And that is what it boils down to Miss Kitty :kitty1:, we all need to do things our own way, in our own time. I personally LOVE seeing all the gorgeous minimalist type layouts that so many people are brilliant at doing but it honestly takes me hours to do something like that as I end up with too much stuff!!! :lol23:I have an ongoing "Work in Progress" folder where I save my unfinished layouts to....... and every once in a while as I scroll through I will spot a layout that I instantly know how to finish it off. :) But I don't print my layouts out anymore, I have done in the past when I used to scrap about the grandkiddies, but now they are just saved to a EHD and when I am gone the kids/grandkids can do what they will with them. :greengrin: