
Scrap goals 2025


I love the "O"
What are your scrap goals for this new year?
I'm going to try to put mostly old photos of my parents and my childhood in an album.
Whether that will work is another story, first scan photos and then I can start.
Here are my scrap goals:
1. To finish 2024 photos
2. To continue Project Life pages to keep on track for 2025
3. To participate more in the Oscraps challenges.
I wish I had time to scrap more and to create albums. I have more time in winter, but soon my garden will take up a lot of my time again. So no scrapsgoals for me, I'm just going to enjoy every minute I have to scrap!
I probably should set a scrap goal but I set goals in so many other areas that I kind of like to just enjoy the process of scrapbooking. I guess I kind of set mini goals for scrapbooking when I join in a challenge because I like to try to complete it all.
Here are my scrap goals:
1. To finish 2024 photos
2. To continue Project Life pages to keep on track for 2025
3. To participate more in the Oscraps challenges.
Well i still need to finish pictures from 2023 :crazy: I am very much behind
I probably should set a scrap goal but I set goals in so many other areas that I kind of like to just enjoy the process of scrapbooking. I guess I kind of set mini goals for scrapbooking when I join in a challenge because I like to try to complete it all.
The challenges help me to boost my inspiration, and in between I try to update my photos.
I wish I had time to scrap more and to create albums. I have more time in winter, but soon my garden will take up a lot of my time again. So no scrapsgoals for me, I'm just going to enjoy every minute I have to scrap!
In the summer it is also busy here with the garden, and we also have a vegetable garden. Time, if only we had more of that, right?
I've just set my goals for 2025.

1. Finish and print my 2024 vacation album.
2. Finish and print 4 more (nearly complete) albums. (The oldest of these is from 2011!) :crying1:
3. Create at least 2 scrapbook pages each week. (I have to do more than this to complete my albums, but it is doable.)
4. Digitize at least 50 photographs each week. (Pre-2007)
5. Digitize, don't accumulate, 2025 memorabilia.
6. Print doll house album pages.

1. Only participate in challenges that help me achieve my goals. (I can get sidetracked by going after prizes!) :party1:
2. Learn how to use AI in my photography and scrapbooking.
3. Choose a digitizing day at the beginning of each week.
4. Select Saturday or Sunday for scrapbooking. (Or both!)
5. Only buy scrapbooking products that help me achieve my goals. Tag them with the album it will be used in. (This will be the most difficult!)
I'm not good with making goals but digging out the old family photos for scanning and scrapping is something I have been wanting to do for a few years. Maybe this is the year I will get started on that.

I also want to choose some more photos to get printed and framed.
My first scrap goal is to get the pages from the AJ challenges in a book. I'd like to get all of my
"grief journal" pages in a book so I can look at them.

Great question, Vera.