
Saying HI! from Mid-Missouri!!!


Just wanted to drop by before I check out the challenges and say Howdy from Missouri! My name is Toby and I am a 42 yo mom with 3 great kids! My daughter is 22 and just got married in June of 2008. My sons are 20 and 16. I have an awesome, totally supportive fiancee that loves the fact that I am so crafty!

I am still in love with paper scrapping (you should see all the new stamps I just got my greedy hands on!), but I am loving all that is digi!

Can't wait to join in on all the challenges! See everyone around!!!


Well-Known Member
welcome here!
I was a paper scrapper also, and My beautifull stamps are catching dust (I really can't find the time with a job and three kiddo's!)
enjoy Oscraps


Well-Known Member
Hi Toby! LOL about the stamps, I have 1000s myself! I hardly find time to stamp anymore, but love it still :).


The Loopy-O
That was one thing I never got into when I paper scrapped- stamps..... but don't make me get started LOL!
Welcome to the O!