
Question ...


Active Member
When I try to link Molly's products on my lo, all I see is [link] . What am I doing wrong? Every other gallery, it links fine. This is what I do, without the spaces:

[ url= link to gallery] Name of Kit by Molly[ /url]

Any help would be appreciate. :)


Well-Known Member
Our gallery here is just like DST....when you type in a URL...it autmatically says LINK and is clickable to the URL you listed.

What I do, and many others here, type the name of the kit and who it is by, then underneath just paste the address (from your address bar)..this way you have the name and the link.



Active Member
Hmmm, I post at DST all the time and it always links the title of the kit with the web link, but doesn't say "[Link]". O.k., guess I won't do it the "fancy" way ... he, he. Thanks for the help. :D


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tip

Somehow I'm going to have to master this. Never can get the link thing right.

I'm bookmarking the thread to try it.