
Prayers/Support for Elsina


Holy Nomad
Hey y'all. Elsina of EMSArts- and I have been friends for a long time- going way back to when I was designing. We were on same team at GDS, and did some collab-ing. She is Jewish, living in Israel near Tel Aviv and her family had landed on vacation in Holland when the crisis in Israel began. They have family missing, friends that were kidnapped, and one dead. They were to fly back on Friday, but flights were cancelled. They are unsure of the condition of their kibbutzim. 'they had another flight scheduled but it took them to a layover in Turkey, which is not a good idea right now. Last contact they were trying to find a place to stay while they arranged yet another flight, and sirens were going off over her kibbutzim in Israel- where her mom was in the bomb shelter. :oops:
:praying2:Please pray for her and her family. And if you will join me, pray for Israel, and for protection of ALL the innocent people.


Well-Known Member
This is so horrible... and scary... in a very very real way... I hope her loved ones are ok... What's happening to the world??? Why are there leaders (if we can call them that) who believe that introducing weapons to a political situation is ever justified???


Queen of the Universe
Praying that her family is safe and that there is a resolution to this awful situation.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Prayers sent to your friend and her family and all those innocent people! May there be peace for Israel soon!!


Holy Nomad
Last night I received news from Elsina. She and her family finally made it home, back to Israel. They had to purchase multiple tickets (4) throughout the ordeal. Not sure why they were not refunded but she said even though it was a financial drain, they are glad to be home. No word on missing people yet. I watched a video of the IDP describing what has to be done to identify remains and it is time consuming. And there isn't much word on the *hostages (*my take on it). I shudder for the women. :oops: :sad2:

MY OPINION: this is not about Israelis vs. Palestinians. This is about good vs. evil. Not all Palestinians support Hamas. My husband and I have a calling and a deep love for Muslims, so we aren't seeing this as an us/they thing. I didn't post this to create more conflict, but because Elsina is part of our digi community. Thanks for caring about her, and I will let you know if more news comes. I continue to pray for ALL innocents in the situation on both "sides".
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