
***NEW*** AnnaLift 1.25.14 - 1.31.14


Well-Known Member
Joanie, thank you for the challenge. Evadraga, it was a stunning inspiration. Here is my page.



aA Creative Team Member
Just want to say on behalf of Anna and everyone on Anna’s Creative Team THANK YOU for participating in the AnnaLift Challenge inspired by ‘evadraga'. Such truly amazing works of ART and thank you for sharing every one of your beautiful pages with us in the Anna gallery!! I even think we had a few new scrappers join in the fun this week - woohoo!!!

Random generator selected lucky number 15 which belonged to ‘margeda'
and she will receive a $5 GiftKard to Anna’s shop. (‘margeda’, I will be sending you a message.)

Congratulations to our winner, ‘margeda’ and THANKS again to everyone for your participation in the AnnaLift!

Be sure to check out the NEW AnnaLift challenge every Saturday here at the O.

Anna and Team