
moving pngs with very few pixels


Well-Known Member
I'm using PSE13 on a Mac and am having trouble moving a couple of Anna's brushes onto my layout. They are very light, barely there brushes from her 'Old World' palette. The move tool can't 'get a grip' on them if you like. I googled and someone suggested duplicating these sort of pngs so there was more to 'grip'. I actually tried that trick the other day on another brush that I was also having problems with and it worked but these two 'Old World' brushes have even fewer pixels and that trick doesn't work. I haven't tried duplicating multiple times because I thought there might be a less time consuming way and thought I'd ask.

Many thanks.
ummm.....zoom in really, really, REALLY close???? But then you can't see where you are moving it to I know.

I'm of no real help. Hopefully, someone else can help!
Sorry can't help you, I work on a PC using CS6. I tried moving all the png brushes on my layer and don't seem to have an issue.
You won't believe this but just realised I can select all/copy/paste!!!!!! I knew there'd be an easy way to do it! Thanks girls for your time.
I don't know if this will work in PSE. It's a little trick I use a lot in PS cc.

Select the layer in the layers palette, the one with the faint brush. Then, hold down the command key and click and drag the brush.
Thanks for that tip, Rita. I just tried moving a layer on the scrap page I'm working on and it worked like a charm. So glad I asked.

I'd love there to be a thread with tips like that one. Useful tips that people might not be aware of and might help with the workflow. I just stumble along with PSE as I'm teaching myself.

Thanks again!
Sorry i was just writing about copy and paste and saw the others already adviced that! I don't know if there is a place tool in Elements because in CS that works too!
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Ellen 99% of the time I can just drag too but just sometimes it seems there aren't enough pixels. Maybe it's just I use the trackpad instead of a mouse??

In any case the command key worked like a charm as did copy/paste.

I thank you all very much. Every little bit of information is useful to know.
Tamsin - I think this part of the forum is a great place for those tips and such. We also are always interested in those tips for our blog posts! I might use this tip for a post if no one minds! You'll all get credit of course!
Good idea Petey. Sometimes you just need a clue. I'm self taught and feel super silly sometimes but if someone points me in the right direction I'm away.