
More Ehd & Backing Up Questions......


Well-Known Member
I have a quick question.....um on 2nd thought maybe not so quick lol....

A little while back I asked about EHD's and got a bunch of feedback from everyone, and I bought one...(WD mybook 1TB) My uncle is our "computer guy" lol and I went to him with this question.....I bought the EHD to get all my scrapping stuff in one spot and clear up space on my hard drive, now that I have all my stuff on my EHD I'm petrified to delete any of it off of my harddrive. Getting a 2nd hard drive seemed silly but maybe also practical at the same time......MY uncle said to think of it this way, anything that plugs in (EHD) can, and at some point probably will break. So he says I should burn all of the stuff on my EHD to dvds, that way I have them backed up should any problems arise with my EHD. (I do have a dvd burner......)

So, my questions to you ladies are....(and looking for any advice here.....)

1)whenever I sit down to scrap I would be working off of my EHD, is that ok? does anyone else do that? MY uncle (who runs a computer fixing gig on the side of his normal computer engineering job) said its totally fine to leave it plugged in all the time......

2) Does anyone else have only 1 EHD and burn stuff to disc as a backup?

Thanks ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I have backed up to DVD. I was told not to leave the EHD plugged in all the time. But I also have a laptop. That's how my first one broke. I was scrapping on the couch and the EHD fell off. It didn't even fall hard, but it broke. Now I have an EHD that won't connect to the desktop we have, but connects to every other computer. So....I'm contemplating if I even back up to the desktop or not. I would definitely recommend backing up to DVD, but you'll probably want to do that by date. Don't know if any of that helps.


Well-Known Member
I try to back stuff up on DVD...but it's such a pain,huh?

I bought WD 2TB EHD's and it has a partition....so it divides it in half and becomes a mirrored EHD. So if one side breaks...the other side has a mirror image of everything that was on it. I haven't tested this...or had to, luckily. I guess I'm putting too much faith in technology, lol!

I have a "working" folder on my laptop with all of my current CT kits or kits that I know I want to do layouts with. After I'm done, I move them to the EHD.

It's a system that's worked so far for me...


aka Sue Cummings
I have two EHD's and Carbonite...
kind of overkill...but I really dislike creating DVD's.
Right now I'm trying to reorganize and simply things.
I'm up for suggestions!

My desktop has NOTHING on it except software and I plug it into the EHD's to
access my info.

My laptop has all current stuff and design projects I'm working on. I find it easier
to work on my laptop so I can bring it wherever I go!
xoxox Sue


...loves her some "O"
I have one 1TB EHD that I connect to through wirelessly with my laptop. It sits on our big tv speakers, so out of harm's way. And actually I don't have anything on my laptop except one bath of pics that I've already copied onto my EHD. So, when I went to dallas the other day, I forgot to copy something back to my laptop...heehee...nothing on my laptop :) but any of our laptops can access our EHD...so Cora has her own folder on the ehd, too. :)

I probably should back up, but I'm way way way too lazy!!! and my laptop has crashed three times in the last year, so the ehd really saved my butt!! :)

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
I keep everything except my completed LOs in .psd form & RAWs from 2008 back on my desktop. I have everything (including the .psd files & RAWs) copied onto my EHD No 1. My RAWs & photos are also copied onto EHD No 2 & hubby's computer. All my kits, current photos (kind of 2006 onwards) & LOs in jpeg only form are copied onto my laptop.

I only ever plug my EHD in to backup (once a week - on Sundays, must do it after I type this!). Then remove it from the room so that if some toerag breaks in & steals our desktops, we do at least have back ups.

My desktop has loads of space and following the concept that it's faster & easier to work from the HD than an EHD, I keep everything together. My laptop, however, is unbelivably slow, but I only use to actually scrap on when we're away from home. It's more for photo upload/DHs work when we're on holiday (yes, he ALWAYS works when we're on holiday!).

I don't cart the EHD around with me for fear of dropping it. It is about the only thing in the house I treat with kid gloves.


Well-Known Member
I have my EHD plugged in to DH's desktop and we have it networked so that I can snag stuff off it from my laptop. I only unplug it if I need to take it somewhere otherwise it's in one spot. I've had it over a year with no problems.

When I do take it out, I carry it in my camera bag b/c it's well padded.