
{ Mommyish } - Rockin' Retro Christmas & More


Well-Known Member

I am so excited!!! Christmas is in the air! I love it! This is my most favorite time of the year! :bounce: With that in mind I have a new kit (or kit & mini & add on & freebie.. ) Check it out!

And look at what my CT did with this!! (They make my kits look so good!)



I have a few offers going on with this set. If you buy the kit you will get the December Daily pack free. And if you don't already have the mini you can pick it up for 50% off when you buy the kit! If you combine that with the coupon at The Digi Files you are talking about a STEAL! <3

And last be sure to check out my newsletter to snag up my freebie! <3

Have an amazing weekend! Don't get trampled by those Christmas Shoppers that act like this - :jedi <3


Well-Known Member
Wow, this kit is beautiful and will be a great addition with the kit from the digifiles (which I love). Thanks for letting us use the coupon with this offer, it is very very generous of you!!!