
Let's Be Happy ~ Facebook Campaign


Well-Known Member
Hey y'all!
I'm starting this campaign on Facebook, and I'm inviting you to join us.

Are you in?? :thumb::thumb::thumb:

When I open my Facebook, I see a lot of bad news in my feed. Why do people promote bad news every single time? Why don't they promote good things or good news?
So, in my feed, and time line, I want happiness. That's why I decided to release this campaign. I don't know if it already exists, I don't think so. But if it does, the person who thought about it is a genius.

->How does it work?
1st) Go to a web browser (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc) and search for "happy" or "happiness". (type only one of these words, nothing more)
2nd) Pick your favorite photo about it and post here on Facebook.

That's it! Post some funny, cute, cool photos that will bring more happiness to your friends. Let's make them happier!!!

Use the hashtag #makeyourtimelinehappier or #letsbehappy, so I can see how it goes. I know it's going to be awesome and I don't wanna miss anything.

You don't have to put my hashtag because I'm not doing this to promote my designs. I'm doing this to promote happiness and spread good feelings.

Are you with me????

Here is my chosen photograph. It makes me happy because look at these faces?? lol I love animals and dogs, specially, make me really happy.


(this photo was found in: http://www.fabianojacob.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Happy-Dog5.jpg)

oh this is such a fantastic idea!! I really don´t like all that sadness and venting on FB, I love to post pics from happy moments in my life. So i´m with you, I picked my favorite pic from my Google search and used the hashtag #‎makeyourtimelinehappier‬.
I posted mine but then realized that the only people who can see it are my friends and family, guess I need to go adjust the privacy settings on it :)