
Kitty,Bisontine,Camila,HGD,Kasia, FaithTrue,Silversword71 - WORLD of WONDER


Well-Known Member
Hi girls..
today me and few designers come out with this wonderful kit with also a wonderful cause...

World of Wonder

it will be sold for only $8.99
and right now it's on 20% disc for just 2 days!



World of Wonder is a kit that is dedicated for all parents and children with special needs.

The contributor are:
Camila Designs
Faith True
HGD by Laurie Ann
Kasia Designs
Kitty Designs
Nikki Beaudreau

Only be sold at the month of April, during the
Autism Awareness Month.
All that we got from this kit will be donated to a friend whose' son diagnosed as PDD-NOS and doesn't able to afford the therapies. click here to see: What is PDD-NOS?

You can read all the complete story at my blog.

This kit is really complete, that include world of wonder from day to night, from the sea, the playground, all of it!

42 Papers, 1 Alpha, 225 Elements

Here is the blinkie if you wanna support:

and here is the inspiration:


you can check ALL the detail preview at here and on my blog.

hope u have a wonderful day.

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So good to be back!
This is an absolutely gorgeous kit!! Kitty, you have the biggest heart ever, love you, sweetie!!!

I was lucky enough to work with it before it released and here's my page:



Well-Known Member
Love this kit! It captures the freshness and innocence of childhood perfectly!


Well-Known Member
ohhhhh this is wonderful!! the kit is fabulous and what a great cause!! Off to add it to my cart! :)


Well-Known Member
eeeeeeeeeeeeeek, it's here!!! I told you all it was worth the wait ;).

It is gorgeous! Love all of the beautiful layouts for inspiration :).


Well-Known Member
OMG...this is the most beautiful kit EVER!!! And a wonderful cause ladies!!! Thanks for helping raise awareness!!!!!!!!!!

Might have to sneak this one on the credit card LOL ;)


Well-Known Member
Kitty that is amazing!!!!! My nephew has Autism and I know how difficult & expensive the therapies are! Such a wonderful thing you all have done! :)


Thank you for not only the fantastic kit but allowing us to donate to a special child!
We win two ways!


Well-Known Member
This kit is absolutely amazing! Don't miss out on this opportunity to help support such a worthy cause!


Well-Known Member
Kitty - This is so special. As a teacher, and working closely with our Autism coordinator, I have a soft spot for this. Love it!!


Well-Known Member
Oh wow!! Beautiful! And such a great cause!! My niece was diagnosed with autism so it's a cause that's close to my heart. Today is World Autism Awareness day and the month of April is National Autism Awareness month so it's a great time to get the word out there. I'll be grabbing the kit, too...gorgeous!!!


Well-Known Member
OMG, this kit is GORGEOUS and it's for such a great cause! You have a heart of gold, Kitty! Off to download!


Well-Known Member
this kit is BEYOND GORGEOUS..I am a mother of an autistic child and think it is so amazing that scrappers are supporting this cause :) I am off to grab it now! You ladies really out did yourself with this one!! I can't wait to play with it!!