
July Challenge #6 - Heritage


Well-Known Member

All members that participate, can everyone PLEASE ensure that you read all the rules for this challenge
so that you can claim your challenge points. Thank you! :)

Hi everyone! Welcome to the Heritage challenge.

So, what is heritage?
It is the places, objects, customs and stories that we have inherited from the past, to value and enjoy in the present, and to preserve and pass on to future generations.

Heritage can be:
- human-made objects that hold cultural value such as monuments, historical sites or works of art.
- customs, traditions, values, sports, music, dance, folklore, crafts and skills.
- part of nature, such as coastlines, waterways, landscapes, woodlands, native wildlife and plants.

This month, I want you to create a layout about something significant to your heritage. It could be a physical object, a special place, a specific custom or a story. You can choose to add photos to your layout, or go photoless.
Since it is the heritage challenge, the subject of your page must be from at least 5 years ago.

Here's my layout:

Now it's over to you. Looking forward to seeing your heritage layouts.

- Create a layout about something significant to your heritage.

- Please use 80% Oscraps products that are currently in the store.
- Non-Oscraps products or retired O designer products can be used whether the designer is selling elsewhere or not.
- You need to credit all the products used on your layout.
- Your layout can not be used for more than one challenge.
- Your page must be posted in the Challenge 6 gallery by midnight PST 31 July 2024 and linked back to this thread (see below on how to add your linked layout).
- And do not forget to update the CURRENT MONTH'S TRACKING THREAD to be eligible for your coupon.

Adding a linked layout from the Gallery to a thread:
1. Upload your layout to the gallery first. In your forum post click the Gallery Embed icon (little camera).
2. This will open your gallery, simply click on the layout you require, then scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click the Continue button.
3. Your linked layout is now in your post, the image will appear once you have clicked the Post Reply button.


Well-Known Member
Well, my work was all in thinking what symbols. A wrecker that tows cars? a canoe? There are no photos from my family and they're all gone. So I was sure you wanted me to make a page about the rooster. He makes me happy and has been a part of my life since I was very small. Thanks for the challenge.


Well-Known Member
Well, my work was all in thinking what symbols. A wrecker that tows cars? a canoe? There are no photos from my family and they're all gone. So I was sure you wanted me to make a page about the rooster. He makes me happy and has been a part of my life since I was very small. Thanks for the challenge.
The rooster and the symoblism behind it are perfect for this challenge.


Well-Known Member
I wanted to make this a fun page in keeping with the photos, which were great on just a white background... Nothing was working until I started blending strange combinations of papers , and all of a sudden I had the perfect night scene...



Well-Known Member
I wanted to make this a fun page in keeping with the photos, which were great on just a white background... Nothing was working until I started blending strange combinations of papers , and all of a sudden I had the perfect night scene...

I love it when playing around with supplies yields these surprisingly perfect results.


Well-Known Member
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