
JOPKE DESIGNS October Challenge Oct 1 - Oct 14, 2018


Well-Known Member
I love October! In my part of the world, Autumn really begins in October, not September. Mornings are cool and crisp, days are warm and nights are delightfully cool. The leaves begin to change colors and the interminable chore of raking leaves begins in earnest (this part I don't like ";> ).

Let's scrap about something special that has occurred or will take place in October. For example, my daughter was married in October, my grandson was born 10 years later in October, I like to take a trip to the mountains to see the autumn leaves in all their glory, in October the squirrels and all the wild creatures fatten up for the winter. Get the idea?

The only requirement is that you journal your entry and use 80% Jopke products. The rest is up to you. Have fun!

Here are some examples from Jopke's Creative Team:


From tinekereinders

From Lotje66xx

From Dady

Scrap a page about something special that happened or will happen in October.
There must be journaling on your page.
Use 80% Jopke Designs products.
Layout needs to be uploaded to JOPKE DESIGNS GALLERY https://ozone.oscraps.com/gallery/showgallery.php?cat=1581 and linked back to this thread.
Layouts must be completed and posted by 11:59 pm EST, October 14, 2018.

All participants will be entered into a draw and one lucky person will be chosen to receive a $7.50 coupon to the Jopked Designs store.
Be creative!
Have loads of fun!
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I love the O!
Beautiful inspiration pages and great challenge ...
This week it's the birthday of my mom ... 89 ... that counts ...


Well-Known Member
Thanks for a fun challenge. In October I will spend a little more than 3 weeks near my oldest and in my happy place, so things are good :)



Well-Known Member
WooHoo! and the winner is..............

***********beckturn !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations!!!! You will receive your $7.50 coupon for Jopke Designs Store shortly
thank you for playing with us.