
Is anyone else "nesting" on New Year's Eve?


The Loopy-O
I don't know what got into me but I'm having the same compulsion to clean my house that I did right before my kids were born. I even swept behind the hamper in the laundry room. And I threw out all of the missing socks that had been waiting for their mate to show up. After a few years, I don't think they are coming back.

Years ago, I worked with a woman from Central America who told me that in her culture, you had to have your closets cleaned out before the new year to have good luck. Could this be a throwback, 24 years later?
I wish that this happened more consistently rather than once every couple of decades. :rotfl:


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
I want to. However, it's Sunday so it's Mass, Brunch, and Game night at my FIL's just as normal. Hopefully we will leave a little early so I can turtle tonight. I don't like going out on New Years Eve.