
How Many tabs (or windows) do you have open on your phone?


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I know we've had this discussion before but how many tabs (or windows) do you have open on your phone? I had 38 - Beat me. :lol23: :rotfl:
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I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I don't know how to open tabs on my phone. I don't like using my phone for the internet because It give me a headache to read everything small like that! Now, the computer is another story altogether! ;)
Vicky, mine aren't necessarily internet related - I just don't close out of messages, Instagram, FB, more messages, musioc and other apps. I don't know why I end up with so many tabs open. :floorlaugh: I guess you could call them "windows" maybe.

I only have 19 tabs open on my laptop right now. That's not very many for me. How many do you have open? We had a hilarious discussion about open computer tabs once, too. It got quite funny.